The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



act as I have, and I beseech of your Es. goodne s the favour of approval. The disposition which I made of sending ensigns Claudio de Luna & ~:arciso Sanches to take part on the Trinity for the purpo e of catching t11e traders to the Indian Nations proved useful. Agree- able to Andre Saldana 's oflicial-doct. No. 25, Sanches, party killed one American, 'Captured one An.[ T] & one Spand. & wounded a Negro who made his escape and was after taken by Rodrigues who was on his way to this camp with the prisoners. Since this detach- ment was not less successful for a sub-detachment which he put out under Comd. of Adiodato Viveros, captured 9 Spds. & 5 captives(By Captives, the :Mexicans & Spds. mean persQn that have been captiws to the hostile Indians) 30 making reprisal of 130 horses & mules, see documt. No. 26 which is Saldana 's official. On the 22nd. I was joined by lieut. Jose Salinas who had been detached to reconnoiter the Atascosito & coast in the vicinity of Galveston Bay, & who delivered me the accompanying diary docut. No. 27,-by which it will be seen; that in the vicinity of the Conchata [?] Village he came upon Joaquin Ponce, who has been for 10 years, a transient in the town of Jatchitoches, & the Indian villages-that a sub-detachment of Saldana's, apprehended Juan Rey, a German, who, although he alleged in self defence that he was on his return from the Bahia dcl Espiritu Santo, where he had gone for the pur- pose of communicating the movements of the factions, was confined, on account of information recd. from the Capt. of the Conshato [ ?) Indians, that said Juan Rey was sent to the Bahia to observe the movements of the Spaniards, to ascertain & report the amt. of Spanish forces in the province, that on his return he had communicated to some of the Indian Nations that in the Bahia & Bexar there was nothing but a few half naked, half starved miserable old men, and that (J. Rey) was going to the U. S. to raise men & return & take the aforesaid places. I have no doubt that said J. Rey has bcen to the Bahia, and I am certain he was prisoner in Bexar when I left there, and from the circum tances of his having no passport, and the declaration of the Indians, I think his capture & imprisonment perfectly just, and I remit him with the other pri oners which will be delivered to your Ey. by Fernando Rodrigues. It will also be een by said diary that Jose Salinas and the officers that accompanied him & Domingo Ugarteehea were taken ill with chill & fevers & could not continue their march, consequently it became necessary to send Sargt. Juan Galvan to prosicute the object of their commission, and taking 30 men he marched for the Atas- cosito. Very soon after taking up his march from the Conchate [ T] Village he met & captured D. Benito Parientes, his servant Pblo Salin<>s, Xaranahe Indian who were coming to the Conchate villa~e in solicitude of provisions; and from the e they learned thnt the Mexi ans Regino rieto, Joa<iuin Salina , ~Jannel Gutierres, ,lost~ Mn. Manjares & 2 Xaranavc Indians were on the Atascosito taking care of Paricntes' Caballada. He (Galvan) took the pri oners & pro-

'"Note probably Inserted by translator.

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