The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



TO. 470

1836 Oct. 25, JOSEPH GAMBLE, CA)lP JOH SON, LAVACA, [TEXAS] TO MIRABEAU B[UO:NAPARTE] LA11IAR, [COLTJl\IBIA, TEXAS] His own health; a request for the redemption of a pledge gh·en for necessary clothing. A. L. S. 1 p.

No. 471


Volume 1, no. 35, containing the journal of the Senate, Oct:--19-24, and of the Honse, Oct. 13-17, Houston to Rusk, :May 3, and Houston, Address . l\Iay 11. Printed. 4p. See nos. 359, 360. No. 472 1836 Oct. 25, J. CA1\IERO:N. COl\fA CHE I TDIA TS; THE COillfTRY WEST OF THE COLORADO The Comanche Indians arc descendants of the Nation called sonsori, who occupy a very northern territory distant from those in Texas about what they estimate two months travell, they are constitutionally thieves and are very much dreaded by their descendants in Texas...... The oriental tribes who compose the Comanche ation are called '' j(1es, tanemas-tapisu-the Occidental tribes, are called Yamparicos & cuschutescas-these principal tribes are subdivided into varios miuor , ones, who roam over the desert!i without any permanent Settleme:nt .descending to the south in \Vinter, and retu.rnin(J' northwardly in Summer, snpp[orting themselves] entirely on the game so abundant in the forests of Texas. Buffalo is their principal meat, Bear-Deer &c. frequently young wild horses, and occasionally as a mark of re- venge after a decided victory, they eat the flesh of their fellow beings, who they might have had purchance captured-Their travelling tents consist of dressed Buffalo hids which tliey very· readily remove from place to place as the necessity of pursuing the game requires. In order to transact an important business.or receive any important communication from an other tribe, the principal chief always con- vokes the the lesser ones of his tribe to meet in general counsel when each occupies the seat corresponding to his grade, and after many Cere- monies peculiar to themselves on such occasions, the tobacco pipe is introduced into the assembly, and after pa sing round, & each taking a "Whiff" the object for calling the convention is made kn.own by the principal chief; previously placing a centinel at the door of the tent to imp~de the approach of any to disturb their serious meditations- The 'results of the cousel are proclaimed to .all the tribe by .order of the princip [al] chief through the medium of a person called '' Talo- lero, '' (orator) appointed then for the purpose-the .same ceremonies

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