The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



place arrived at San Filon 27 ~larch-at Grosses 31-left Gross 13 April

No. 460

1836 Oct. 10, UE1IUCAN HUNT, ~ORFOLK, VIRGINIA, TO i\l[IHABEAll] B[UO~APARTE] L,-L\L\R, [COLUMBIA 1 'rEXAS] Introdu-cing Charles I. Fox, the bearer of an official letter rHunt to Lamar, Oct. 61, a duplicate of that sent by Rudder. A. L. ~- 2 p.

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No. 461

1836 Oct. 11, J rAMES] 1\IORGA~, A:--;AHUAC, [TEXAS] TO l\r[IRABEAU] BfUONAPAR'I'E] LA~IAR, COLUMBIA, [TEXAS] The bearer, Dr. Patrick, authorized to close the contract for the schooner Flash_: her earning c::ip::icity; Au!1tin 's name desired on Lamar's bonds for payment; his own health and plans. A. L. S. 2 p.

Xo. 462

1836 Oct. 17, "lll. IIUN'l' TO l\1. B.· LA~IAR

United States,-B::iltimore, 17th October, 1836. 1Iy very Dear Sir,-

Sinec writing yon from Norfolk, en the 8th. inst., I have visited Petersbur~ and Richmond, Va., ::ind ·washington City, whence I came last evening. As I anticipated, when I wrote to you, I made a vi.sit to the Presi<lent of the U. S., who rc-ceived and treated me kindly; his feelings, as a citizen, is warml~· with ns, but his position as the chief BxrcutiYc officer of this ccuntn·, in his ,·iew, (and I think properly too) prompts him in the Jxercise of his official duties, to observe the strictest neutralit)'. In speaking to him of the present position cf 'l'exas. I exprr~c;ed the belief that there was a large majority of the citizens of Texas in favor of anncxntion to the U. States, nnd the being placed in an :ittitude which would enable us to make the connection, wns that whicl1 the whole Hepulic most ardently desired. He replied that, "without a Legislature and Courts of ,Justice, a posture in which Texas had been and was in, from the l::ist aclvices, it wonld he impossible for us to do nny thing- on the snhjcct of rcco~nition "-thnt "n rc{.?ularl,v orcrnnized G0Yc1,1- mcnt must exist, before the U. S. conlcl assent to reco~nize Texas free and inclcpendcnt." T expressed to the President in reply, my fnller.t confideuce in the belief, that within three months the GO\'Cl'll- mcnt of the Hcpuhlic of Texas would be rcg-ular)y org-anized and in snc- crssfnl ancl harmonion'! operation. The conYcrsution here rl.'ascd npon the merits of thii1 q1:cstion, but clnring other portion~ of our intcr\'iCw, whicl1 Wll!i almost cxrlnsivcly upon the subject of Tc.'l:as,

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