The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



have done nothing directly or indirectly to aid the almost tarving little band of heroe who have been o valliant, and are ready to be so again, to defend their homes and principles? I think not, and have been bold to a sert nnrc ervedly, that so far as my influen'!e will go as a citizen, that-- I am an advocate for the confiscation of all prop- erty \\hich has not been, or shall not be, represented, directly or indi-

rcrtly, by its owner or owners, during the war. Please write me by :Mr. Fox when he returns. I have the honor, to be, your friend, & ob 't. sv 't.

:Memucan Hunt

[ A dcfressed]


Hon: 1\I. B. Lamar

l\f. Hunt Norfork Augt. 1 36

' Vice President

of the Republic of Texas

.1\Ir. Fox

No. 458 1836 Oct. 8, l\IEl\UJC N H 1 1 T, .i:JORFOLK, VIRGINIA, TO M:[IRABEAU] B[ 0 JAPARTEl LAl\1AR, [COLUMBIA? TEXAS] Introducing- Mr. Rudder, the bearer of an official letter to President [Houston]. L. S. 1 p. 1836 Oct. 10, W. D. REDD TO l\f. B. LAMAR, [COL IBIA?] _ ew Orleans Oct. 10th. 1836 Jlla.ior Genl Lama1· Sir Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance :Major Stwart Perl'y of this city whose acquaintance and friendship I have claimed from some Lime :Jfaj-0r Perry has been one of the most ardent friends of Texas ha upported its cause by sending munitions of war by advo- cating it in public print and for which he ha suffered more than per- hap e-any other man He sailed for Texa in the spring of 1834 with emigrant from England and Ireland with one years provi ion and all implements of husbandry for the purpose of establishing a colony. he m t with an ac~dent in the Gulph of l\1exico and returned to this City where he ha since remained immutably a friend to Texas I am Sir your &c.

Wm. D. Redd [Endorsed]

[Acldres ed] Major Genl. l\[_ B Lamar

William D. Redd ew Orleans 18::l6

Attention of

l\Iajor Perry [Note in pencil] rmy arrived at Grosse about 2

StartP.d from the Colorado 26 l\farch, below Brasous Tusketa Crossing

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