The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



civil department, rent of offices, &c. Contingent, intlnding printing, tationary, &c. The whole amount of claims audited, and paid by trea ury orders, from the fir t of January la t, at which time our office were e tab- lished, up to the twenty-seventh of September, inclu ive, is as follows: Military claims, .......................... $225,154 20 1\aval do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,364 73 Civil do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,567 92 Contingent claims, .................... - . . . 6,427 84 Total, ........... $267,53-1 69 In cases where cash has been advanced, and for upplies furnished by merchant previou to the fir t of March last.-The order ·have been drawn bearing an interest of eight per cent. per annum. The amount of orders of this de cription is fifty-nine thou and four hundred and sixty-ei~ht dollars and forty-three cent . The account of l\les r . Bryan and Hall, late agents of the govern- ment at New Orleans, have been submitted to this offi-ce, and arc now under consideration. The wholc> amcunt of their liabilitie i. eventy-seYen thou and four hundred and sixty-eight dollar and seventy .six cents, of which the sum of fifty-three thousand four hundred and sL...ty-ei 0 ht dollars and eventy- ix cent , was due previous to the first of September inst. All of which is respectfully submitted

By your obedient servants, A. BRIGHAM, Auditor.

II. C. HUDSO~, Controller. V clasco, 29th Sept., 1836.

1 0. 452

1836 Sept. 30, CHARLES A. IIE TRY, )fOBILE, [.AL.ABA)IA) TO ~I[IRABEAU] B[UO;-.:APARTE] LAl\IAR, • [BRAZORIA? TEXAS] Introducing Bdward Smoot, on of Colonel Benj [amin] . Smoot, and grand ·on of olouel :\Tims; services of the three. A. L. S. 1 p. Xo. 453 1836 Oct. 1, G. L. LYO~ , S'l'. LOUIS, [:\CTSSOUnI] TO U(IR - BEA l Il[UO. TAPA~'l'E] LA:\lAR, [COLU~IBIA? TE.' A l Introducing Ir. Crittenden; his ow11 plan to visit Texas. A. L. S. 1 p.

'Printed. Appended to No. 456.

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