The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



mass of odium that they now send one of the Old Patriarch's here on the most sacred mission he would be viewed with su picion as leagued with the Government in carrying on operations against the Army. And I believe that 'tis usceptible of demonstration that God in his wisdom· & perfection, could not please the dissatisfied spirits of this Army. , In canvassing the claims of the men who were before them, honesty, and inteo-rity of purpose "·ere generally accorded to Archer; 'twas offsetted however by the charge that he was windy, speculative ; and if indeed opposing Austin a lit[tle] inimodest. The war of opinion was going on with much spirit and [vituperation] until the resolutions of the Iexican Government reached Camp. They suddenly changed mens -thought from the muddy current .of politics to that which im- mediately concerned their personal Salvation. And happy would it' have been if this influence had created a determination on the part . of our Officers to introduce and enforce that regular organization and respect for rule that w.ould have made our little band at once· re- spected and formidable. Genl. R preserves his popularity as a man but as a Commander is thought to pos ess no claims. Greens command has dwindled to perfect insignificance and himself possessing no more influence here than a raw recruit-He eems to have discovered the error .of his w_ay & has ceased his vapouring for a time. I am sorry Genl. that I have written more than you will read. I should be happy if you have leisure to receive any communi~tion from you. Governor Smith was not considered a Candidate, his friends having declared he had withdrawn. It seems they were mistaken. I have seen letters from some of them regreting the unintentional injury they had done him. Doct Archer is still lying at Victoria. I understand he is on the mend.

Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt

. P, H, Bell. [Endorsed]

[Addressed] To

P. H. Bell .A.rmy Septr. 1836

Genl. firabeau B Lamar Brazoria Texas

0. 446 1836 Sept. 7, JOHN :MILTON, .MOBILE, [AL.ABA1\1A] TO 11RA- BEAU B[UONAPARTE] L fAR, [BRAZORIA 1] TEXAS Introducing Edward Smoot, son 0£ Colonel [Benjamin S.] Smoot; the military services 0£ the former. A. L. S. 1 p. ro. 447 1836 Sept. 17, NEW ORL-EANS COMMERCIAL BULLETIN. EDI-- TORIAL CO Il\IBRCIAL BULLET! New Orleans : Saturday Morning, September 17, 1836.

Next month the Congress of Texas will 'Convene, and that country

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