The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


TEX.\S ST.iTE LIBR..\RY of Jo e )faria. This operation eoneluded & an inventory taken- ee documt. ~ To. 7, of the property of the Republican Army of Texas, found by Rodrigues in a clo ed apartment where it had been secreted; I was informed by said Juan Sota that the faccious Long with those of his Banditt which were collecting at that place, had left 2 days previous for the Sabine, on a~count of being informed by one of those who escaped from the Brasos, that Spanish troops were advancing npon ~acogdoche . I instantaneously prepared to march in pursuit, leaving ensign Juan Jose Cabasos "ith 94 men to garrison .. racog- doches. For this accomplishment of my purpose I detached 3 pa1·ties of 40 me11 each under Comds. of Lieut . Fernando Rodrigues, D. Claudio de Luna, & Sargent San Miguel, with orders to take different direc- tions, & marching as expeditiously as possible, to reconnoiter carefully all the Ranches, capture indiscriminately all classes of persons, and sequester every species of property that they might encounter, taking an inventory of same. On the following day these 2 officers & Sargent returned to camp, the latter reporting-see Offi. No. 8-having cap- tured 4 Americans, 3 Spaniards & the property specified in sd. docu• ment ~o. 8. But as my main object was to trap the perverse. Long, I forthwith detached Rodrigues with 70 men, with ortlers to advance by the Ormigues Road, to the bank of the Sabine, continuing myself, towards the crossing of Sharbono on the ame River. I detached en- sign Claudio de Luna with 25 men to reconnoiter the country in advance, who having arrived at that place ('cro sing of Sharbono) reported a company of North American Troops camped on the oppo- site bank; which circumstance gave rise to the official directed to their comma11der, and the further correspondence shown in my official to yom Ey. of the 2nd. inst. (I judge this to be 2nd. of 1 ·ov.r 9 Having now concluded with the faction, notwithstanding the 2 detachment of Lieuts. Salinas & Rodrigues were still out, I prepared to march as speedily as po sible, to attend to the small garrison I had left in Nacogdoches under Cornd. of Juan Jose Cabaso , for reasons which are setfourth in my official already referred to, as well as in that of said officer, which I inclose you Document No. 9. On my way thither I was joined by lieut. Jose Salinas who reported having cap- tured 2 Anglos, taken 9 horse , 1 yoke of oxen & other articles ot hou ehold furniture, manifest in his diary which I remit you. In tl1is seceion of country, on my way to & fro, I burned 30 habitation , which had been abandoned by the fugitive anglo Americans, leaving abun- dant crops of [cot]ton, corn, pumpkins, potatoes & various other·,•eg. itables, as also large gangs of hogs & flocks of fowls, which were profitably employed for the subsistence of the Troops. I left nothing which might possibly serve them in future, except the extensive fields which they have opened for cultivation. As I was now satisfied there remained no body of the faction in the country explored, I directed my attention to the Ataseosito & the vicinity of Galveston Bay, where I had information there was a collection, thongh mall, & my whole anxiety was now to redouble my ..Note probably Inserted by translator.

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