The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF 1\!IRABE..\U BUONAPARTE L.UIAR 441 dre ed to the Supreme Government by Gen. Vicente Filisola, in de- fence of his honor, and explanation of his operations as commandcr- in-chief of the Army agairut Texas. Columbia: Printed by G. & T. If. Borden, public printers. 1837." Pamphlet. 68 p·. Including appended documents; :mutilated. No. 438 1836 Aug. 19, WILLIAM D. REDD, VELASOO, [TE ,. S] TO WILLIAM G. JETER, COLUMBUS,. GEORGIA R. Brown; the Georgia Battalion ; the fall 0J il!atamoros imminent; Lama1· for vice-president. A. L. S. 2 p. No. 439 1836 Aug. 22, THO[MA]S SPEAK~fAN, [BRAZORI.AY TEX.AS] TO [ IIRABEAU BUONAPARTE] LAMAR, [BRAZORIA? TEXAS] From the Army, destitute; inquiry as to what a man without money or friends can do in Texas. A. I J. S. 1 p. I -o. 440 1836 Aug. 23, BARTHOLOl\IE PAGES. DECLARATIOr I REGARD TO III ACQUISITIO1 OF THE SCHOONER PASSAI0 3 Declaraticn of Don Bartholonie Pages accused of a conspiracy to liberate Santa Anna, made before his Hon. Judge B. C. Franklin , in Columbia the 23d. Augt. 1836. Deponent declares that when on the point of opening a Grog-shop in Velasco, the place of impri onment of General Santa Anna; and Suite, he went one day accompanied by Capn. Woods to visit the family of Deaf Smith and was subsequently introduced by them to Santa Anna, and that the latter in conjunction ·with Don Ramon :Martinez Caro, his Secretary, pre~ ed him to repeat his visits fre- quently; made enquiries concerning his circumstances, and that Caro drawing him aside told him that he might improve his fortune by getting np a plot for Santa. Anna's liberation by bringing out a Vessel & Cargo with that object, and then reveal the affair to the 'rexians, by which means they (Caro & Pages) would obtain that property that C._ tated to the deponent he did not consider himself criminal with re pe-ct to the Texia.ns, but that he would gladly avail himself of an opportunity for escaping; to all this the Deponent a} first objected, but finally yielded to the arguments made use of by which said Pages was authorized to drawn for what smns he might 'Copy [ ?] .

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