The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 433

1836 A·ug. 10, G. G. ALF.ORD TO l\[. B. LA~fAR

Velasco 10th. Augt. 1836.

Genl. Lamar Sir

I was presented a paper this morning addressed to the Editor at Columbia for publication, "·hich was signed by thirty or forty individuals mostly strangers now on their way to Ke,v Orleans and else whare requesting or urging Dr. Archer to consent to be run for the presidency, the friends of Genl. Austin would do well, and render justice to the inhabitants of Texas to make examination of those names, they certainly should (''"ith a few exceptions) have but littlr influauce in the affairs of this country. I expect to leave for N Orleans ou board the Independance in a few hours Your Friend & obt Servt

G G Alford



Genl. ,Lamar

G. G. Alford . Velasco 10 Augt. 1836


No. 434

1836 Liug.17, ALFRED V. SCOTT, :M0.NTGO)IERY, (ALABAnlA] '1'0 MIRABEAU B [U0~APARTE] LAMAR, [BRAZORIA?] 'rEXAS Introducing E. Lawrence Stickney, a vohmteer. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 435 183G Aug. 17, J0S[EPH] W. WILS0~. 1\IONTG0.MERY, ALA- BA:\IA, TO l\IIRABEAU Bl U0~BPARTEJ LAiIAR, [BRAZORIA?] TEXAS Introducing E. Lawrence Stickney, a volunteer. A. L. S. 1 p.

Ko. 436

1836 Aug. 19, DANIEL R. HUTCHENS, l\f0BILJ<J, [ALABA~fA] TO M[IRABEAU] B[U0XAPARTE) LAMAR, C0LU:\IBIA, TEX,\S Asking for information regarding Tcxns. A. L. S. 1 p. N'o. 437 183G Aug. 19, VICENTE FIT,lSOLA, l\TEXICO, [l\lEXICO] "E,·acuntion of Texas. .Trnnslntion of the Representation nd-

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