The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


· 439

Frederick Baker whose name is above- should receive written N"oti-ce from the Authority of Texas I shall be one with you and many others Also and Please to receive this from your well wisher and humble Servant- Lewis Clark i l\Iirabeau B. Lamar commanding the Army in defence of the In- vaded rights of the Territory of Texas having Dear Sir after the Entry of the before written Introductory to this sheet discovered in the New York Spectator your name Sir Produced from the New Orleans Bulletin of July 8th for which you will Please to overlook this mode of communication and if assistance as far as can be is needed with you Every attention will b!;l paid that can be under Sir- cumstances Existing you will Please to- communicate by. answering by your directing- or Governing authority by stating what is and may · be Necessisary and the Situation of Ordinance Arms &c. and the Sus- taining Iedium for support &c- an an [sic] answer will be given as soon as received from your obedient bumble servant- Maj. Genl ' Frederick Baker Iirabeau B. Lamar Velasco C9.mmanding- [Addressed] fajr. Genl. [Endorsed] Fred. Baker 1'Iirabeau B. Lamar Velasco Commanding or to his- Excellency the President of the- Territory of Texas- New York 8 Augt 1836 Hemlock Luke N Y Jl August 9th. By the way of New Orleans Conyers August 8th. A. D. 1836. r :Majr Genl

No. 431 ·

1836 Aug. 9, JOSIAH GILBERT, :MOUNT fEIGS, .ALABA?IIA, TO I[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAl\IAR, [BRAZORIA 1 TEXAS] Inquiry regarding the fate of his son, William Gilbert, of Captain Wadsworth's company. A. L. S. 1 p.

No. 432

1836 Aug. 9, SA IUEL F. MARKS, JACKSON, LOUISIANA, TO :MIRABEAU B [UOKAPARTE] LAl\IAR, [BRAZORIA? TEXAS] Asking his aid in procuring the release of Samuel Mer eely, a Louisiana volunteer, now a prisoner of war at :i\Iatamoros. A. L. S. 2 p.

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