The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



discharge such portion of your crew as you may deem neces ary to be paid off in Velasco Very Respectfully F A Sawyer Actg Secretary of the .1. avy The above is a true copy of the original on record in this Dept. Hiouston 10th. Apl. 1839 ............. . .................... R. W. Hump'4reys Chf, Clk, Navy, Dept, I do not consider the above Order as amounting to a discharge of the l\Iarine Corps

J. Webb


F. A. Sawyer

Actg. Secy Navy,

Velasco 8th Augr.

Relative to discharging Corps on board Invincible

No. 430

1836 Aug. 8, F. BAKER TO i\L B. L 111.A.R [OR D. G. BURNET, VELASCO] . Conyers Livingston County State N. York Amrust 8th A D. 1836. TO his Excellency the President and Council- the advisers of the Territory of Texas Gentlemen having Learnt by· Sirculating Publi- cations of your Declaration to be free and Independaut and of the troubles you have to Encounter by the open acts of your Invading opposers and feeling a Tatural desire and full belief that-National Governments ought to be Predicated upon a Base the People at the head the United Bonds of which the virtue and united Persiverance of said People will Protect and defind although Situated i Tatioually- as wc are with the Mexicans your Invaders wc deem it- Just and ri~ht to assist if assistance is necessary and- many Express the Idea fired by Patriotic Zeal to see you Nationally Established and Volunteer to youi:- a istance if wanted and if that be the ca e you will com- municate to me hy mail directed to the above named town county and State ancl gh·e n Communicntion by your Establi l1ed rule under your Declnration and the Individual dividend that mny stimulate [the) action under your flag if help is wanted and an answer will be re- turned to you a soon as a Communication is received. from your obedient hnmble Servant- N. E. - Frederick Baker (rubric] Under a vie,,:- of your declaration- Situation nnd always wi hing to see the chains of oppression broken and ee Liberty nncl E<ttiality hold reyns Induces me to Expre s if men arc wanted and Colonel

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