The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 428


1836 1fog. 8, -

Velasco August 8th. 1836


The enclosed was handed me yesterday I suppose it came on the Passaic a $mall schooner from New Orleans that had just got in I have taken the first opp_ortunity to forward it to its destination. When I ,first received the letter I thought You had gone to the Unite~ States untill I was otherwise informed by the President I am verry glad you have not gone and hope you will now remnin at least untill Congress adjourns for you are as well aware of the importance of the measures that may be pursued by that body as any one can he. The sah·ation of Texas depends upon their wisdom and energy. No body has ever met with more arduous task before it Laws are to be formed of every nature Civil,religious Penal and every other kind and ,vho will be there to do all this? I -cant tell. Had you have been at Washington last Jarch and seen the congre 0 ated wisdom of Texas there assembled and been asked which of those men would you select to form a Penal Code for -the government of a nation or a. sy tern of Bankrupt Laws I think you would have been at some loss. If such was the case then what will it be now when the best of those men •or if not the best men those best qualified for legislators are ·absent almost every man who took an active part in the transactions of the last convention are so situated that they cannot be in congress Huston cannot neither can Rusl· Canon Childress Collingsworth Potter or Hamiltoq and who is to supply their place is more than I -can imagine. For these reasons I am glad you stay for we h-now not what may happen. I was verry anxious to see you when You were at this place particu- larly- but You only stayed a Short time and was gone before I had any idea of Your intentions when You were in oui· office I was called out I h1rned back as soon as possible but you were gone I was kept engaged all the morning and the next time I saw you you were mounted and off I still wish to see you much

Yours &c



[Endorsed] Hudson, Velasco 8 August 1836

Gen :i\I. B. Lamar Brazoria

429 1836 A11g. 8, F. A. SA WYER. ORDER

Navy Department

Vcl3: co 8th. August 1836


You ·will detach the Marine Corpse now on board the Invincible with orders to report to me at this place you will also

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