The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 425 1836 Aug. 6, STEPHE. S:\IITH, WETU:MPK.'1, [ALABAMA l TO [1'IIRABEAU BUONAPARTEJ LAMAR, VEL SCO, TE. AS Inquiry regarding the fate of his brother, William A. Smith, [sec- ond] lieutenant in Ticknor's Company of Alabama Grays, \Vard's Battalion, last heard from at Goliad, 1\far. 9; the Creek war and emigration; volunteers. A. L. S. 2 p,

No. 426

[1836] A1tg. 6, GREAT BRITAIN. Il!OUSE OF CO)ThlOXS Report of a del?ate in the House of Commons in regard to Texas and Mexico. ewspaper clipping. With no. 421. :Ko. 427 1836 Aug. 8, D. G. BURNET TO :M. B. LA IAR Velasco 8 Augt. 36 Genl. 1\1 B Lamar dear Sir· Yours was recd. last evening I have been writing al1 the morn and my digits of the dexter hand really ache with over much fati!!lle- . . I have not heard of any one for V. P-and would be well plea ed to see you in that honorable position. But the ne·wness of Your mi- gration to this land of immigrant , may present an obstacle to yonr Success-l\fany people would prefer an old Settler to a new one with- out reference t.o qualifications- .Austin I doubt not will be elected and will do well provided he ·selects a good Cabinet- and an hone t one.-quen Sabe- l have no late new of much interest from the army- They are much pothered there between a de ire to go to 1\ atamora on the part of certain Chief and a reluctance to do so on the part of the citizen Soldiers- They will probably move towards Copano, or are now moving- Enclo ed yon will find the copies you wi h-in groat haste

Your friend without di gui e David G Burnet [rubric]

[Endorsed} Letter from Pre ident Burnet cnclo ing important documents . herein till enclosed


l Iajor Genl.

:M. B. Lamnr R R Royal Esq., Brnsoria

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