The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

P~\PERS OF MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LM,IAR 435 was a passenger. On his arrival at Very Cruz he was kindly treated by our Consul. H.e effected his escape on board the ship Mexican, Captain Kimball, who bas tr.eated him with excessive kindness, and rendered his situation as comfortat>Ie as circumstances would permit, for which young Sphon is exceedingly grateful. o. 423 1836 Aitg. 4, R. W. McKINNEY, :NEW ORLEANS, [LOUISJAi~A] TO MIRABEAU [BUONAPARTE] LAMAR, [BRAZORIAY TEXASJ Introducing Samuel T. Marks. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 424 1836 Aug. 5, G. W. BEDELL TO l\f. B. LA fAR, [BRAZORIA?] Columbus Georgia 5 August 1836 Dear Friend the object of this Letter is to inform you that I have it in Contemplation of Raising Several Companys perhaps a Redge- ment to Come on to assist you in the noble enterprise that you are engage in I was truly gratifyed to hear of your Promotion for I know you will acquit your self with Credit to Texas and I believe it will be the Means of Bringing a "Oodly number of Georgians to your tan<;e I want to know how you are supplyed with Arms & Ammu- nitions and if you have not got a good supply whether Texas would refund me the money if I were to buy Arms & Ammunitions and whether the government would pay the expenses of the rations & Pasage t,o Texas and what the Pasage mony would Cost and how many days it would take to Come from fontgomery to where you would want us and at what time you will need us and lio,v to organise the Company and the officers where they would get there Commissions or is that ne sisary that they should be Qommissioned ho\Y many men to Comp~ny & Batalion or redgement. and which you need most mounted men or Infantry, and if the former wbat is the Chane to get Horses. Also Bagage '\Vaggons and what is the Distance we would • have to march after Leaving Shiping, and whether it would be nessary to Lay in a good Stock of Provisions in orleans I shall Look for and answer from you as soon as yon receive this I am Your known Friend &c. G. W. E. Bedell l\fajor General M B Lamar [Addressed] Iajr. Genl. l\f. B. Lamare Commander in Chieaf of Texan Army 5 August 1836 Columbus Geo To Car of Texan Agent at New Orleans to forward witITast forwarded by Wm. Bryan Sehr. Col. fannin [Endorsed] Geo. W. Bedell ~t Bernard's account in .A. Comprehensive History of Texas, I, 608; and Shackel!ord's in Kennedy, Wm., Texas, II, 203; and in Foote, H. S., Texas ana the Texans, II, 227. Still other accounts will be tound in The Quarterly of the State Historical .association, I, 65; Quarter!y, X:III, 286; and Niles, J. M., South .A.1nerica ana Mexico, I, 329.

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