The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



the Glorious cause of your country, I must conclude by subscribing myself Your very Obt. & Humble Servant and Sincere Friend

Alexr Jones

~Iajr. Genl. :U. B. Lamar· Commander in Chief

of the Texian Army P. S. I have done nothing but cough all the time I was pening the, and wrote, consequently, under feelings of severe indis- position, and in great haste, therefore excuse the rambling and blotted letter I have sent you-

A. J-



Dr. Alexander Jones 'New Orleans June 1836-

Genl. 2'Iirabeau, B. Lamar Commander in Chief of the Texian Army- At IIead Quarters-

0 . 417

U836 Jilly 22], JAMES JOHi: SON, McDONOUGH, HE IRY COUNTY, GEORGIA, TO MIRABEAU B[UO APARTE] LA1L\R, [COLU:l\fBIA, TEXAS] Requesting information upon Texas for himself and other would-be emigrants, especially in reference to planting and slavery; Georgia politics; White; Van Buren. A. L. S. 1 p. o. 418 1836 July 23, JA~fES ·CLARK, MUNICIPALITY OF SABii: E, [TEXAS] TO i\I[IRABEAU) B[UONAPARTE'] LAMAR, BRAZORIA, [TEXAS] The death of the writer's mother; a request that his father, Henry Clark, of Captain Collins's command, be notified and a ked to come home. A. L. S. 1 p.

No. 419 [1836 c. July 23], A::--;ONY~IO S '' Texa ''; ju tification of the ' 'Texian insurrection. '' clipping. 0. 420 [1836 Jul~?]_, ANONYMOUS


"Texas"; Santa Anna; Filisola; Lamar's letter to the Cabinet upon the di posal of Santa Anna. Newspaper clipping. With no. 421; see al o no. 356.

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