The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



est interest & felt for her struggles, her misfortunes and her triumphs with the Keenest anxiety. In whatever part of the States I have been during the past six months I have defended her cause and her people against the calumnies and slanders of her enimies; with all the humble influence I could bring to bear on the subject- I felt rejoiced with every other friend of Texas for the victory of San Jacinto- and the capture of Santa Ana,- 1 congratulate you -and the cause of Texas, on your elevation to the chief command of the armey- and have every confidence in your skill and experience in military affairs courage and prudence, are the ofirst qualifications in a soldier & combined with discipline and good order in the commander are well calculated to insure succes in the field. From my acquaintance ,vith you, I feel fully assured you possess all these qualifications in a high desrree- Hence I have reason to congratulate Texas. on the event of your promotion. You have many Georgia and Alabama friends whose ardent desires for your triumphant success, will attend you in every stru1?ide & in every battle for the Liberty of yonr country. The sympathy and feelings of our people are now strongly enlisted in your cause-And all that is required to draw additional volunteers. from among us whenever they may be required, is to make appeals to us to that effect, and they no doubt will be forth coming- I expect to visit the Virginia Springs this summer for the purpose of having my health fully restored, jf possible. If in the fall I should find myself sound and well again, I expect if nothing happens to pay yon a visit in Texas, and see how you come on- If you desire any thing done in the United State , for you. that I may have power of performing I will attend to it for yon with great pleasure, if you will send me the necessary autbority-Whether it be for the pnrpo e of raising volunteers, money, or provisions-As a considerable part of my time this fall will be spent .in the Western country, I shalJ have a favourable opportunity of serving your cause in that region 9f country I do believe if the invasion of Mexico and the conquest of the City of Mexico, was held out as an inducement for Volunteering in such an expedition 10,000 choice troops could be raised in the We tern country alone for that object- But it may be a question of mnch doubt, whether such a move at thi~ time would have a favourable tendency on the Texas cause- Yet I am convinced the conr e will not only be a judiciou one, but absolutely nece sary if the fexicans hould determine to protract and keep up the war at all hazards- You. know it was the ucce ful policy of Scipio to carry the ";ar into Carthrgc by which means R-0me herself wa freed from inva ion. Let a tron expedition be fitted out and make n successful inva ion into mcxico, and it would completely relieve Texas from all invasion. If uch a measure i ever to be nt- tcmpted, perhap [s], it would be best, to direct the movement, first against, or Matamoras, and after capturing it to hold on to it, as a post to co-operate.with the invading force marched into the interior, and if prncticnl even to the City of )lexico itself- I may be mistaken, but I nm led to be~icve 10000 picked troop from the

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