The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



1836 July 17, S. WHITING TO i\I. B. LAMAR, [GUADALUPEY] Trinity 17 July 1836 Genl. Lamar Dr. Sir I, have but just returned from the United States & take the liberty to address you by an arrival from· Tew Orleans. I am in rect. of Three Kegs of 25 lbs. each, Duponts F F. Ri:fl~ Powder about 100 lb. Lead and 5 Rifles, with a plenty Flints which I most cheerfolly offer to the American Army. I have likewise from 60 to 100 fine Fat Beeves, which I wish se11t for if they are required by the Army. Colo. Smith who left Tew York with me to join the army & myself will leave here so soon as ourselves & Horses are rested for the army. We came by the way of Natchitoches I am pleased to say, that they are generally turning out on the Red Lands & Irish Bayo to join the American Army, should I not hear from you previou to my leaving home I will direct Mrs Whiting to deliver to any per- son or perS'ons the articles named for the use of tbe American army.

Very respectfully

yr. mo ob. Sert

·Samuel Whitin"'

[Addressed] To-


Saml biting

General Lamar

Trinity 1836

By, l\fr.

Commander of the American Army.

/ Reed--

No. 416

1836 Jul,y 19, A. JONES TO l\L B. LA1\'1AR, [GUADALUPE T] rew Orleans July 19th. 1836- Dear Sir Being on a visit to this place and having an opportunity of dropping a line to you, I have availed myself of that priviledge- · l\Iy health has continued more, or less_impaired ever since I had the pleasure of meeting with you in l\'.Iobile las~ winter. I left in February last for Georgia and from thence travelled on to Washin.,.ton City where I spent five weeks attending to some land claims. I afte~·- wards pushed on as far as Boston, via Baltimore-Phila. N. York &c- and then returned as far as Baltimore, from which place I bent my course to the West, and reached this City in May last, via, Wheeling Cincinati, Louisville &c-I am on my second visit to N. Orleans this summer- Totwithstanding my exte)JSive tour, my _health is yet unre- stored and :fluctuating-- I am the victim of Rheumatism, and am 'at this time labolll'ing under the effects of a horrible cold that threatens seriously, the integrity of my lungs. If my be_alth and cons_titutional vigor had been as good recently as it was formerly, I should long ere this have joined your standard and the Cause of Texas- which at all times has rec·eived my ardent sup,Port,_wish~s and ptiiye:rs fol her success- I have watched the progress of her affairs 'with the deep-

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