The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF l\11RABEAU BuoNAPARTE LAi\1AR 415 regret with you the· indisposition of so many persons·to turn out in defense of their country. I have no means ~at pre ent of enforcing a general Orde~· for their appearance at Head Quarters, but before the enemy.appear upon our borders I hope public opinion will sus- tain me in such measures as the neces ity of the ca e may require to compel every individual to the porformance of bis duty. If it comes within your knowledge that any persons disaffected to our cau e shall attempt to drive cattle out of the country, you are hereby fully authorized to stop said cattle; and also to depute others to act, under your orders to this effect. Those who are disposed to fly, and not aid us in the glorious must be -content with the liberty of wjthdrawing thcmselve , without taking with them such property as is es ential to the sub tinance of those who remain to battle for their country's freedom In great haste· Your friend & servant l\Iirabeau B. Lamar Commanding Genl. No. 408 1836 July Fi, W(ILLIA]l\I CHRISTY, EW ORLEANS, [LOUIS-


/ Introducing lBarnard E.] Bee. A. L. S. 1 p. Appended to no. 386.

No. 409 1836 J1tly 11, T. Y. BUFORD TO l\f. B. LAl\iAR, [VICTORIA?] Nacogdoche 11 July 1836 Dear Sir I have the pleasure to inform you that the Red Landers is a turning out verry well and that they are highly pleased with your appoint- ment Your letter 01 to the Cabanitt has made you verry popular in all Texa&- Gen Houston is at San Augustine (his Leg migty painful to the Gen) I think the old woman has got herself in a bad Box which she will not rret out of Easy- The news arrived hear this m_orning that Gen. Gains had apart of hls baggage waggons a cro ·s the Sabine I have no doubt of the correctness of the report the Ex- pre leav hear this morning for Red Rivir and I think that we shall have a good Turn out from that place I shall Join you as soon as I can travil I have had a verry Sevear Spell of the feever thi Is the Second Day that I have been able to Sit up Capt Foster is at this time verry Low with the feever he Sais that he will return to the army as soon as he gets well·and will Stay as Long as you remain in the field I will inform you of any thiug that may take place hea1·

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