The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



coming,- if not, I request You will furnish me the desired information as nearly as may be convenient- Your remarks in relation to Capt Roman will not be overlooked- Your &c




[Addre ed]

To Major General

From Burnet

8 July 1836

1\Iirabeau B Lamar Comr in Chief Head Quarters

J:TO. 405

1836 July 8, W. 1\1. LOGAr TO [l\I. B. LAHAR, HEADQUARTERS, BRAZORIA] Liberty July 8th 1836 Dear Sir In pur uance of an order from the Secretary of \Var to me directed I have ordered every citizen in this municipality to repair forthwith to headquarters, I organized one company yesterday that leaves today, and expect enough here to day for another, I shall forward them on as fast as possible:- and so soon as the principal part of the Troops from this Jurisdiction leave, I sball be out my elf-

Respectfully yours,

Wm. L Logan [Endorsed]

f Addressed] To

Wm. L. Logan

The Commandt. of the

Liberty 1836

politcne s of

Texian Army-



No. 406 1836 .July 8, S[TEPHEN] F[ULLER] AUSTIN, . VELASCO, [TEXAS) 'l'O l\f[IR.ABEAU] B[ 0 APARTE) LAl\IAR, [HEADQUARTERS, BRAZORIA, TEX.AS]G 4 anta Anna's wish to end the war; his letter to President Jackson, July 4, and to Urrea; volunte~rs; the Invincible. A. L. S. 3 p. No. 407 1836 .July 8, )I. B. LM,iAR TO rJ.] CIIE~OWETII, [STAFFORD' SETTLEl\rENT]

Bi:;azoria th. July 1836

1'1ajr. Chenoworth Denr Sir

In nnswer to your letter 00 of the 6th in t. I have to

'"To be printed In the Austin Papers. ..No. 400.

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