The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Genl Green- the other------------ Texas ha less to dread from the Scoffs of her enemies, than from the fact that amonrr her pro,[essed friends are men of base and unprincipled character, who are sure to Shed a malignant influence on all connected with them- I trust Gen] Green will act promptly on this ·Subject- I send the papers to You for Your amusement in some measure--- , Your frnd.

David G Burnet [rubric] [Endoi·sed] Letter from President Burnet 8 July 1836


Major General

l\lirabeau B Lamar Ccmr in Chief Head Quarters

o. 402 1836 July 8, D. G. BUR1 ET TO M. B. LA lAR, [BRAZORIA?]

Executive Department Velasco 8 July 1836


Major Genl l\L B. Lamar Sir I en-close you a communication from the Presid [ent Santa] Anna, to Genl Urrea, the present Commander in Chief of the Mexican ,, forces intended to operate -upon Texas- For your greater convenience a tran lation ,is sent- I also end you a tran lated copy of Santa Anna's letter to Presi.: dent Jackson of the United States, the original of which had been forwarded to Washington, and a duplicate retained here- 82 You· will dispose of the letter to Genl. Urrea in a manner best calculated to render it effectual- Should you deem it prudent, you will appoint one or more Commiss [ioner] s to prcceed to the Read Quarters of Genl. Urrea, to convey to him the original letter of the President Santa Anna, and to receive from him, his written resolu- tion in regard to it. ~hould you send such Commissioner or Com- misjoners, you will enjoin it upon them to proceed with all diligence, and caution in the execution of tlus delicate mission and You will plea e report to me as early ,as practicable- all your proceedings in this matter-

Your obt Servt

David G Burnet [rubric]. · [Endorsed]


Major General l\L B. Lamar

From President Burnet 8 July 1836

"Nos. 379 and 396. 12 0n the same day, July 8, Burnet sent copies of both ot Santa Anna's letters to Coll1neworth and Grayson, Texan repreeentaUves at Washington. This letter and the two !rom Santa Anna are printed in Garrison, G. P., Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas, I, 104-108.

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