The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 400 1836 Jidy 6, J. TUR TERA.ND J. CHEXOWETH TO l\L B. LAl\[AR, [BRAZORIA] s~fford 's Settlement-July-6th 1 36 Mag- Genr. :M. B. Lamar Sir having been since the 14th of June last detailed for the pur- po e of ranging the settlements on the Brassos Bufalo Bayo- an jacinto Trinity and Bay- under ,an o-rder from Gen. Green Xo-- 13- to procure hor es- and what I may deem needful for the fiting out of hi Brigade-- the different orders from the head o-f departments have been circulated in these places and I take the Liberty of ap- prising you of the feeling produced by these dockuments in tead of rousing them to a manly defence. I See many of them making more preperation to abandon the country then defend it and partickularly those who have large interest in Stock. the are in Some in tances detaining young men who would otherwi e join the Army to aid thorn in driving their Cattle out of the country their are others who- I believe are prevented from leaving their families on account of the Mexican pri ioners being Scatered over the country I would Suggest the propriety of giving orders. to abandon the driving cattle & have the prisoners all brought to the Same place the Gen- orders must he imperitive and enforced or they will not be obeyed I have met with Capt Turner who concurs with me in the above opinion- and i of opinion that many will be prevented from joining the Army to prevent others who they see preparing to run from driving off their cattle- I have the honour to be with great respect your obedient Servant- John Chenowith- l\fag- Jno. Turner N. B. I bav sent Mr. Finney to you with the above who-reside on the Sanjacinto any orders that you may have for me he will bring I am now on my way to the army.-- In haste--------

J.C.- [Endorsed]


To i\Iag. Gen. I. B. Lamar Commander in chief Texas Army,-

Cheneywort and Turner Stafford '. ettlement-July 1836

o. 401 1836 Jtlly 8, D. G. BUR ET TO I. B. LAMAR, [BRAZORIAJ private

Velasco 8 July ~836

Major Gcnl

M. B. Lamar dear Sir

copies· of two lctters 91 one from my elf to

I enclose You

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