The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



incere respect Your Obt. Servt. S. Rhoad Fisher · ·[rubric] · . [Endorsed] Rodes Fisher

I have the honor to be with

(Addres ed] 'l'o

General Mirabeau B. Lamar-

June 30- 1836

Gommancter in Chief of the Texian Army

l\Ir. Cazneau-

0 . 396

1~36 J11ly 1, DAVID G. BURNET, EXECUTIVE DEPART !ENT, VELASCO, ['l'E r SJ TO 'l'[HOl\IAS) J. GREEN, LVELA::3 01 TEXAS) Sl> Enclo ing [Hubbell 's]· letter of [June 4) found in El Correo At- lantico [June 20), published originally in the New Orleans Comm,er- cial Bulletin [June 17]; Hubbell's resignation requested. Copy. 1 p, With no. 401. 0. 397 l-1836] Jttly 2, S[T~PHE ] F[ULLER] AUST! , AT J. H. · ~ELL '::3, L'rEXAS] TO M[IRABE UJ B£UO1 APARTE] L JllAR, BRA~ORIA, ['l'EXAS) 80 "IA king for a conference at Bell's 'in regard to Santa Anna's case. A. L. ·s. 1 p. · ' · ' l TO. 398 1836 July 4, ROBLERJT . l\IAYS, JAOKSO~, BUTTS COUNTY, L GEORGIA] 'l'O :M[IRABEAU] B [UONAPARTE] LA !AR, AN FBLIPE DE AUS'rI , TEXA i!nquiry regarding the fate of hi brother, Samuel A. J. l\Iays, first lieutenant [ 1] in aptain Wadsworth's company of Georgia volunteers. A. L. S. 2 p. o. 399 1836 Jiily 4; Al Tor·ro LOPEZ DE SANTA A A, COLU:i\IBIA, TEXAS·, TO NDREW JACK ON, [WA HINGTO ·r, D. C.] 00 Requesting hi good office in terminating the Texan wa1·. Printed. 3 p. In no. 2374, p. 30-2 . ..Printed in Brown, J. H., History of Texas, II, 75; Yoakum, H. K., Hi story of Texas, II, 174. • "To be printed in the Austin Papers. ''°Printed in Garrison, G. P., Diplomatic Oorresponaence of The Republic of Texas, I, 106. A different translation in Richardson, J. D., Messages and Papers of the Presi<IPnts, JU, 274. Jackson's reply to this letter is printed in Richardson, III, 275.

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