The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



members of the cabinet are absent and a quorum cannot be had- Another reason why "prompt and decisive answer" cannot be given is found in the fact, that Genl. Sam Houston is still nominally in command of the army, and also that Brigr. Genl. Rusk, the actu[al] commandre, •has only intimated his intention to resign-

Very re pectfully Your obt Servt

David G Burnet




Col 1\1. B. Lamar Present

Letter from Burnett 'June 1836

No. 388

1836 June 22 JO[H]N S. JE1\IIS01 , LIVINGSTON, SU~IPTER COUi\TY, ALABAMA, TO IlRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [VELASCO], TEXAS Introducing ·Williamson Williams; a request for a letter to ''Jane'' to persuade her into willingness to go to Texas. A. L. S. 1 p.

No. 389

1836 June 25, D. G. BUR ET TO 1\1. B. L.Al\1AR In the Name of the Republic -of Texas free, Sovereign and Inde- pendent; to all to whom these Presents shall come or may concern; I David G. Burnet, President of the said Republic send Greeting: Be it known that reposing perfect tru t and confidence in the Honor, Patriotism, :fidelity and Ability of Mirabeau B. Lamar, I have nom- inated and by and with the advice and consent of my Cabinet, in virtue of the Authority vested in me do constitute and Appoint the said 11Iirabeau B. Lamar to the Rank and Office of l\1ajor General in the Army and Commander-in-Chief of all the forces in the service of Texas. Making it hereby the duty of the said l\lirabeau B. Lamar, carefully diligently and faithfully to discharge all his dutie a uch r Injor General an<l ommander-in-Chief, to conform himself trictly in all respects to the Rules and Regulation that have been or may be adopted for the Government of the Army· of this Republic and to render Obcdicnco to the lawful Orders of his Superior Officer· - And .it i further cxprc ly enjoined, that the said ~[irnbcau 13. Lamar, do compell all Officers, Privates and Other plnccd u11der his Command to render n prompt nnd complete Obedience to nll his lawful orders appertaining to the Public crvicc; and to sec that they fail not in the discharge of their several dutie -

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