The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



TO. 385 1836 June 14, J. CADLE .TO M. B. LAMAR, [BRAZORIA] I ; I Sir: I have been removed from Galveston Island, under an appoint- ment from Genl. Thos. J. Green-He has left here without furnishing me with the means, evon to join my former post! Thi conduct, is to ay the least, remarkabiy strange ; in one professing to be a military character.-Genl. Green, would not, I am confident, treat me in the manner, as stated above, unles under the influence of al} ignomnt staff. I apJ?lY to you for advice, requesting to know the proper course to pursue. I do this knowing your character & the estimation in which you are held by the Army rrenerally. To. With the greatest Resp't, Col. Your Obdt Serv't :U B. Lamar Joseph Cadle Present Adjutant . . [rubric] Brazoria .June P. S. It may be necessary to state, that I applied to General Green for ordct· -He stated in reply, that I would not be required to per- form any duty till I at-r~ved in the field.-! understand that you have res'o-d yr oflice; $till l should b~ much obliged to you for any infor- mation, directing me in the proper course. Yr. June 14th. 1836.

&c, &c, .. J.C.

lAddressed] ·To, the


From Cadle June 4th 1836.

Hon 'ble. l\L B. Lamar, Present.

No. 386

1836 June 21, J[Al\IES] HAJ\fILTON, CHARLESTON, [SOUTH CAROLINA] 'l'O MIRABEAU [BUO. APARTE] LAMAR; [VELASCO 1 TEXAS] Introducing l3arnard E. Bee; his ow~ acquaintance with G. B. Lamar; ympathy with Texas. .fi:. L. S. 1 p. No. 387 1836 J1ine 22, D. G. BURNET TO M. B. LAMAR, [VELASCO] Executive Department To Col. M. B. Lamar dear Sir Velasco 22 June 1836 Your note of t}:tis morning ha been received- At this time two '

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