The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF MIRABE,\U BuoN,\rARTE LAMAR 399 I ain persuaded that I have fulfilled your desires and in no way departed from truth. Receive the affection and regard of your very attentive, faithful servant, who your hand Kisses. (Signed) Juan Jose Holzinger A true translation from the original Edward Gritten [rubric] I En<lorsed] Col. Holzinger's account of the Capture of F_'annin-

No. 378

1836 June 3, T. J. RUSK. ORDER CONQERNING nITLlTARY FU ERAL FOR GOLIAD VICTil\'IS, [BAHIAJ 81 On the evening of the ensuing day the bones having been collected, the following order was i ued ".Arniy Order. A Genl. parade of the army will take place tomorrow morni[n]g half past 8 Oclk A. M., The funeral is ordered at 9 Oclk A. 1\I. Col. Sherman will take command and conduct the proce ion in the following order; · First Artil1ery 2nd. fosic 3rd Majr. Morehou 's Command 4th 6 company officer.-6 company officer 5 1\1ourners Tho e cf Fannins comd. who were in the army & who haye so miracu- lously escaped will attend as mourners- 6 commander in Chief & Staff. 7. Medical Staff 8. 2nd Regt. ccmd. by fajr. Wells 9. 1st Regnt. Comd. by Lieut Col. Summerville 10. Regular Comd. by Lieut Col. Millard. 1\Iajor Poe will order a minute gun fired from the fort, commencing "ith the time the procession moves until it arrives· at the grave. Iajr. niorehou es' Comd. will fire 3 rounds of Blank Cartridges at tl1e grave. Signed Thos J. Rusk Brigr. Gn Com.--

1836 .J,wne 4, I-I. A. HUBBELL, VELASCO, [TEXAS) 82

Communication in regard to the debarkation and confinement of Santa Anna and his suite, June 4. Copy. 2 p. 81 Copy. In No. 601. .,Printed In Brown, J. H., History of Texas, II, 74; Yoakum, H. K., History of Texas, II, 174.

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