The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



of when you will be ready to march do not ir hide anything of what can bring you and I in relation and believe in the high con idera- tion of Your very humble and obedient · Servant, :\fr. Jame Young ,J ennc Laffite. General of the Texas Army

1 19 J1111e .?, F. TR DEAU 'fO [F. FATI01], NEW ORLEAX , LO 1 1s1A. 'AJ2 1

1 19. June 9th. • 1 atchitoche ,

Dr Sir, I hereby inform You that day before yesterday two pcrougues arrived here with 22 of the men who are a sembling on the other side of ·the Sabine; these left yesterday an<l upward of a hundred passed by there [ 1] todaye [ 11 ; and in like manner they are going in by Opelnsas, .Atacapas plains of Doauns & by point pecon, and e\'eral boat have gone up this River loaded with provisions, I have also been as ured that from r. Orlean , &."C .• • It i Said that the Genis. are--fine,-Robcrts, Ader, Amber & 2 others .......... : ................ . ........ . ................. . The Govt. appears to haYe no part in thi ; In view of the treaty signed by the Minister & the President of the U S. I cannot doubt that it i more collections of Brigan , who are going to commit many atrocities, · Felix 'l'rudeaux To the Consul of H C. M .

.1. ·o. 21

1819 July 10, SPANI H VICE-CO.' UL TO (F. FATIOt, NEW ORLE.A1 T f LA. T] 1 l!) July 10th. The pani h vice Con,.;-ul at aint Loni after peaking of the varioas bodie of troop which had gone up the River under com- mand of Col. Atkin on, for the purpose of fortifying the po t on the Yellowstone, says, "the object of the e troops, according to in- formation from per ons of undoubted veracity nn<l adieted to our Government, is the ocupation of the intcnial prorince.~. I am in- formed that th~y omit no expen or meaJ1 to augment their mun- her to any extent po. ible. 'J.'hcy nre to receive . uceour ~· snppli ~ ,'Copy (extract). With no. 21. The original has not been round. In The. Quarterl11 of tl1e Tcra/J State Jli.Btortcal .A.uociatlon, IV, 221, will be round referencPs to other documents written by Trud aux. ~opy (extract).

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