The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


TEX-\S S1'.\TE LrnR.\RY

• o. 254 183:j Xov. 3, TEXA . co~ TE TTIO. , A. FELIPE DE AU - TI~, [TE,.~ A )8• •' Meeting of the Convention. Address·of the President: Proceed- ings of the fir t day." Broadside.

To. 255

[1835] r\'ov. 7, TEXA . CONVENTION, SAN FELIPE DE AUSTLT, [TEXi-\.S]8 5 Declaration of causes for taking up arms against 1\Iexico. Broadside. Spanish. o. 256

1835 Nov. 8-[Dec. 9, T. STIFFY,



Io Austins Camp Novr.-8th 1833 I arrived at what is called the "old mill" on the an Antone River about the 8th of Novr. from one to two miles above the Town of "Bexar," I arrived during a heavy rain and pa sed a very di - agreeable night- not having the benefit of fire, and but one Blanket-without shelter- The day previous to our arrival at the !ill Mr. 81 separated from the company, and expected to join them that E'vening at the Seiww but unfortunately took the wrong road, and proceeded on until he came within Two or four miles of the Town, where he stoped and Kindled a fire and waiteci for the balance of the ompany, I suppo e he met with some of the Mexican spies, as we found him dead, having received two shots pas ing through his body-entering on his left side. his horse and Pi tols were missing- al o his coat. [r. Vo e was on the rune day taken prisoner in the following manner,- was left at the camp on the Seiww, alone, when he ta fr] ted from the Camp he took the left- hand rode and instead of going to the Texian Camp; found him self standing by the walls of· the "Alamo I where he found that he was in the wrong pugh" he then enquired of Genl. Co where Au.tin Colony wa , Cos answered that perhaps he was mistaken, that it was Au tins Camp he wa looking for, he aid not, that he wa a poor man looking for work, and would work for him (Cos) as oon as nny body else if he could g<>t paid for it, Co a kcd him if he was a m ber of any Ch. he aid yes, a Catholi , Co then a ked him ..Printed In Journals of the Consultation 6; reprinted In Gammel, H. P. N., 1,awa of Texas, J, 610. The president's speech ls printed ln Foote, H. S.. Texas and the Texans, II. 144. •Printed In hair a doz n places.•lncludlng: the Journal of the Consulta,- Hon, 21; reprinted In Gammel, H. P. N., Lau:• of Te:ra,. I, 622; T~e Q rt riv of the Te:ra, State Hi torlcal A.,aociation, XV, 1 2; Foote, H. S., Texas and the Texans, If, 148; Kennedy, m., Texas, 11, 4 8. "'Cr. nos. 2169 and 2178 of this collection. "Dlank ln original document.

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