de ire to retain tht federal Republic, as fixed by the Constitution of 1824.- And a third in favor of a ironarchy and for placing a Scion of the Honse of Bourbon on the throne of ~Iexico.-Ile stated that the Aristocratic Party are resolved to subjugate Texa. at all hazards; and to expel all Americans from that State; and that the Liberal Party are as firmly resolved to ustain the Texians, if they sustain the Constitution of 182-1.-which is now the pivot of the contest between the oppo ing parties-If Texas prove victorious, then will Republicanism and Con titutionallity conquer in 1exico; hut if Texas is worsted then a Despotic Rule will be substituted.- He entered also into particulars concerni~g the present invasion of Texa .; and bowed that it has long been contemplated by Santa Anna- altho ' he had before expected to· postpone it till tl1c com- mencement of next year.- He stated that ere Cos went to San An- tonio, he took large sums from the Custom House of :Matamoros; but that he will soon fail of ways and means in the interior of the Country, and that the Invaders must prove a pray to the daring Texians.- 1\fr. Schmidt also eloquently .advocated the cause of the people or 'l'exas, in support Resolutions were proposed by Mr. 0. de A. Santangelo. The Committee returned and through Mr. Caldwell they pre- sented the following Resolutions to the Meeting. (Here follow Seven Resolutions in favor of the Cause of Texas, which were adopted unani111,<>1t-.sly.) o. 245 1835 Oct. 17, P rHiLIPJ DI IITT, FORT OF GOLi D, f 'l'EXA . TO STEPHEN F{ULLERl AU TI r, HEAD- QUARTERS1 f CIVOLA, TEX sv• Repori of operation; orders to Alley and Eberly; available force; rumors of a landing of troops at Copano; Collin worth 's mo\'emcnts · a request and uggestions for orders; the importance of holding Goliad. L. S. 2 p. i TO. 246 1835 Oct. 18, MARTIN PERFECTO DE CO . GENERAL IN- SPBC1'IO. AND COMi\[A1 D.1 ,°CY OF 'l'IIE I TERr AL EA TERN STATES, [SA1T TO. TIO E BEXAR f
Refn. al to treat with .Au tin or the Army, except n peaceab]e pri. vate citi1.cns; answering Austin' 1~otc of [Oct. 17]. Copy. 3 p. · In no. 2178, p. 12-14. ••To be printed In the Austin Papers from which Lamar borrowed it. "To be printed tn the Austin Papers.
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