The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



should earne tly recommend a con: ultation--=-for whether the govern- ment i ho tile or not many believe it an'd will predicate on that be- lief, such acts of violence as will most undoubtedly involve us in war-in short a Con ultation i the only mode of securin.g peace promptly and permanently-or of carryinu on war efficiently and succes fully. ' '\Ve propcse fellow-citizen that each· ju.risdiction elect five indi- vidual , the election to be ordered and holden by the Committee of Safety and Corre pondence, on the 5th October and the consultation to convene in Wahington on the 15th of the same month. 57 We pro- pose that each memb~r use every exertion to ascertain the population of his jmisdiction. And we propose and request that each jurisdiction hold public meetings and elect committee to correspond with the committees of all other parts of Texas. In conclusion, fellow-citizens, we trust and implore that all party fecling and violence may be buried in oblivion and that we may go on together in harmonious concert prospering & to prosper. Vv e all have a common interest & are desirou to accomplish a common object-namely the welfare ,of Texas with which our own is indis olubly identified. We are n°'v travelling different roads and devi ing different plans because we do not understand each other on account of our dispersed and scattered settlements, on account of. the impo sibility of disseminating correct information, and on account of the univer al prevalence of faction, party spirit, rumor & violence in every corner of the land. With the hope and the belief that you will co-operate with us in bringing about . ·a consultation and that the happiness of all Texas may be promoted by its deliberation we subscribe omselves your friends and fellow citizens. Done in the Committee room, in the Town of Velasco, on this the 20th of Augu t 1835. B. T. ARCHER, CIIAIR?IIAX John A. Wharton, Silas Dinsmore, I. IJ'. Tinsley, Robert H. Williams, P. Bertrand, Wanen D. C. Hall, W. H. Bynum,

Henry Smith, Wm. I-L Jack, Francis Bingham, John Hodge, W L T. AUSTIN, SECRETARY

°'Cf. Brown, J. H., Hi.,tory of Texas, I, 305, and Yoakum, H. K., Jn A Comprehensive History of '.('exas, I, 176 on the time and place of th'l't meeting of the consultation.

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