The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

p APERS OF MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR . not drawn one inch of land but my lot whereon stands my house, and . for which I paid the former owner $50; nor have I had any ot~er transaction directly or indirectly to the alledged injury to govern- ment, except through the Custom house, to ·which I have paid more duties than all Bexar and Goliad put together but the land specula- tion is all a hoax. This is oniy a pretext; let any man that is not blind or has common sense look at the acts in all the interior and say of it is not a fact that this plan of 1\Iilitary Government, but under the mask of Centralism was actually out in a·state of forward- uess a year ago. 229 The fact is a part of the colonists have acted very strangely by permitting the military to insult us in the arrest of our Governor, &c. Three years since they drove the military out of the country, as they alleged for the same act, and now they suffer them actually to commit this act with impunity. But you now must come to one of tlu·ee conclusions, which are:- . 1st. Submit to the military Government with all its grievances. 2d. Or to pack and-get beyond the Sabine, to the Ea tward. 3d. Or to fight and drive those robbers of Zaccatecas, w4ose orders on entering that unfortunate place, were to kill all foreigners, one of whom they would not shoot like a soldier, as he desired but shot him in the back like a traitor. There is· about 500 troops now at Bexar, and in about fifteen or twenty days there ,vill be 3 or 400 more, the people of Bexar are waiting anxiously to have us join them in reducing that place, and it is confidently reported that the two Companies of Bexar will join the citizens against the foreign troops, Goliad has but thirty-five men, as an apology for soldiers; I need not describe them to you, you know the principle part of them; they have intimated that they would b~ missing when the Americans would let one or two of their rifles crack. The people as well as the authorities of Bexar, Goliad, and this town have bad several invitations to proclaim for Centralism, but have not, nor will they until they are compelled by military force, but they are strongly in the belief that they will be forced to do so. I could fill 2 or 4 pages with various information, but must conclude by wishing that the grand disposer of all events may in his infinite wisdom parry the blow that is at this time aimed at our total destruction.

Yours Respectfully. • • • • • •

Mr. • •

No. 220


1835 Aug. 18,


The Committee of Safety and Correspondence for the Jurisdiction of Columbia have no additional information to offer the public, in ••Printed. Appended to no. 222.

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