James Pevihouse James Crump
Ardel Sheldon Francis J Haskins G McW,ade Nathl. Thimball Harry M Litle Stephen Churchill Edward Hufty. John W Litle ',Erastus Litle Eli Nowlan Thomas Robison .Thos F McKinney ,Wm H Jack Wesley W Pace Stephen E. Prather ,Wm H Scott David H Scott .John Elkins Wm Perkins Rufus Wright George l\{ Paine
Joseph A Dupong Thos. '\V Grayson R. Claaky [?] J B. Hoppe George Byrin [ t] George Daniel James Jones Wm A Huskin [ 1] James Collingsworths Alexr. Russell George Purman A Applewhite Morehouse Hill Thomas J. Dasher J McGee Samuel May John Angel Walter A Mangham Alexr. Calvit J. C. Hackins. Fleming T. Wells Henry Fisher H RKW Smith John Ward C Stringfellow Colden Denman .. Ira Jones
David Randon John W Cloud Saml Fuller
Wm A Gilliland James O Connor nichard Sl1elton J. Gillespie W. H. Bynum J Brown Charles Billings
John Nelson John Cocton
No. 217
[1835 c. Aug. 9], W. H. JACK, [BRAZORIA]. ADDRESS CALL- ING FOR A GENERAL CONSULTATION To the people of Texas. Fellow Citizens. The people of the jurisdiction of Columbia, have instructed us, to address you on a Subject which is conceived to be of the last importance to every man in the country. \Ve the more cheerfully undertake the discharge, of this responsible trust, because ~e feel satisfied that no matter what may be the result of our efforts, our motives, cannot with any .semblance of justice be impugned, and
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