military mi rule ha devoted that fine country almo. t to ruin,-the last under St. Anna, ba trampled lil?erty to the dn t. The fall of the noble tate of Zacateca wa the ignal for Tc, a -Flm,h d by his victories, and as. urning supreme command, he has feigned the design of driving tl1e foreigner from the oil of his country. This military de pot faithle. s to all the engagements of national faith & national honor, is now about to enter 'fexas with an army, to murder, destroy, and drive from that country, tho e who were invited there, and who rai ed from a wilderness, that which i now a flourishing, happy and contented people. "\Ve under~taml that several highly respectable citizens of Texas are now in this city, and others are hourly expected. Upon their arrival, a general meeting will be called to take in consideration the dreadful state of our friend , relations, and once fellow citizen , and :adopt such measures for their relief in the present emergrncy, as affection may dictate and justice require. ·"\Ve have aided liberally the Gr eks and Poles in the struggles for liberty against their oppres or - hall we do this for our neighbour T -our own flesh and blood, engaged in a similar cau. e. No. 212 1835 i-uly 25, THE TEXAS REPUBLIC r, BRAZORIA, [TEXA ] iVolume 1, no. 47, containing: William, "To the People . . .'' July 20; Wharton and other , Call July 25; Ugartechea Circular . . . July 7; a. reprint from the rew Orleans Bi,lletin; etc. Printed. 2 p. See nos. 206, 208, 210. o. 213 1835 hly 31, JOHN W. :\II'l'Il; [ AN ANTO~IO DE] BEXAR [TEXAS] TO fDO:\Ili ·oo DE] GARTE IIEA, . [ AN A1 TO1 IO DE] BEXAR, [TE.. S] Sending Iiller' letter [of July 25? noted aboveT] Copy or English translation. 1 p. ppended to no. 209. 0. 214 [1835 July!'], J. W. S~IITII, [SAN A" 'T • 'IO] TO A. PO:"\TO. '•• I herewith enclose You an an. wer from the Genl. to the Re olutions which vou cnterrd into nt Gonzalles I beliC\'c the th. of this present )[onth · Col. gartachca tells me the G nl was mnch plea cd with them )Ir Hodge arrived to clny and will leave tomorrow for Gonzales 11 Copy. Appended to no. 209. •rom ,John \V. mith Bcxnr to Andrew Ponton Gonza'lcs
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