PAPERS OF MIRABEAU BuoNAPARTE LAMAR 215 hazard, the peace of the republic he expects that government will cooperate in an object so laudable, providing on its part all such measures a may conduce to that end, and which prudence may suggest in circum tances like the present, in order that, when the their opinions, every ]Jlovement may be avoided which might a sume the character of a tumult, and that the constituted authoritie be respected and obeyed aeeording to the exi ting laws, without permitting them to be impeded in the exercise of their respective powers, and much less that any violation be committed against their persons, or against private property; but on the contrary that public tranquillity be maintained and preserved; for the loss of which your Excellency will be the per on immediately responsible. As the desires of his Excellency the Presidenkpro tem. on thi ,, subject, are of the most ardent nature, and as the nation is interested, in their accomplishment, I am of opinion that I shall not go too far) in repeating to your Excellency, that you use your utmost efforts in order that they may be fulfilled: and for the purpose of better attain- ing this end, your Excellency may immediately act in concert with the Commandant general of that state, to whom, as your Excellency will have seen in the "Diario del Gobierno" io. 34 of the 3rd. of the current month the strictest i11junctions have been given through the Secretary of War ,mder date of the 31st. of l\fay la t, relative to the conduct, which the troops under bis ommand ought to observe, and in which he is charged anew with the preservation of public order. His Excellency rests with confidence in the zeal and patriotism for which your Excellency is distimmi bed· he therefore believes that his. wishes will be accomplished· and this he direct me to say to your- Excellency i11 doing which I llave the honor to offer to your Excellency my respectful consideration.'' By the command of his Excellency the Governor I transcribe tn'~ same to your honor for your instruction, in order that the above inserted Supreme resolution be punctually fulfilled in the department under your charge· and to that end your honor will cause the respec- tive authorities to give to it the necessary publicity, and to take care that it be trictly ob erved; accomplishing in this manner the ardent , desire of his Excellency the Pre ident pro tern. of the republic to ref.?Ulate the public order and tranquillity, so necessary for the 'ad- vancement of society-: therefore his Excellency expects that if any town bas fai1ed to comply with the requisites of the above named Supreme resolution, it will be immediately respected and .obse1·ved by yielding to the conviction of reason alone, and by virtue of which' his Excellency the governor anticipates the best results, ordering me to give notice of the same to your honor £or your instruction. Your honor will please to accept the Smcere assurance of my dis- tinguished regard. God and Liberty. l\1onclova 20th. July 1835
To the Political Chief of the department of Brazos [Endorsed]
J. Maria Falcon
1i rst office
A Circular to the political Chiefs of Texas by Maria Falcon
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