vent the smuggling trade, which is carried on with impunity by ad- Yenturers; and likewise 'to prevent the incursions of the Indians, who when they are not chastised become every day more insolent and frequently commit hostilities, nor have we ever thought of trampling on the rights lawfully acquired by the colonists who ought not to doubt that the Supreme Government will attend to their representa- tions, and will at the same time omit no means of accompli bing the g1·and object of the welfare of all and each one of the inhabitants of that interesting pn.rt of the republic. At the same time I can do no le s than expect that you will pre- vent the enemies of order from circulatin..,. reports forged for the purpose of compromiting the incautiou , and if the c be any persons in the Department whose inquiet and pernicious mind may be occu- pied in disturbing tranquility, you will proceed to restrain and correct them by virtue of your authority agreeable to the constitution and law ; on this occasion I have to offer you the protestation of my par- ticular consideration. God and Liberty. DO:MirJGO DE UGARTECHEA. Bexar, July 7th 1835 No. 207 1835 J11ly 20, J. l\L F ALCOJ. r_ CIRCULAR ON PUBLIC ORDER 0
Supreme Government ) of the Free State ) Of Coahuila and Texas )
CIRCULAR His Excellency ·the Secretary of State and ..J,'elations, und r date of the 5th. of the current month, communicates to his Excellency the Governor pro. tern. of thjs tate what follows: "iio t Excellent Sir: The general Congre havin..,. dosed its sc. ions without having been permited by it weighty occupation , to employ itself with the pront of law made by the government, to regulate the right of petition; and the expo ition, circulating in the public papers cf this Cap ial, having been made by the ynutamicnto of Orizaba in favor of a change in the present form of goYcrnmeut, and other petitions of the ame nature having incc been recch·ed from various municipalities, which have also been published in the Gazettes, jt i to be pre urned that other representation of the Ayuntamicntos, and Citizens of other Citic and towns ,rill be remitted, manife ting· their opinion upon the·same subject. · 'fhis probably may take place in some parts of that State; but his Excellency the President pro teni. fearing such teps may erve as a pretext to the restless and turbulent to avail them elves of the oc-ca- sion, for the purpose of effecting their depraved de ign of di turbi11g public order and tranquillity: hi Excellency has in tructed me to ay to your Excellency, that, being firmly resolved to su tain, at every ..English translation. In no. 21 ~- Original In Bexar Archives.
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