The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




hood they will ~eek refuge and protection under the troop of an Antonio, nnd will retire only to return with renewed violence and de truction. You will hear around your habitations the Indian yell, mingling with the Mexican cry, and the shriekin(J' of your murdered ""'ives, rousing the slumbers of the cradle, from the mid t of your burning buildings, will feH you, when too late, of the error to your policy in permittin,,. San Antonio to be garri on·ea by Icxican troops. Fellow Citizen , depend upon it your policy is \\Ton~ and the danger great. If yon wonld ave the country and protect the frontier, San Antonio must be taken; already has Anahuac fallen, already has the spie of the country been arre ted and the corre pondence examined -already have you proceeded too far to retreat- already are the troops of the Di-ctator on the march a 0 ainst you, and [y] ou have to fight, surrender or run away. There will be no necessity for your garrisoning San Antonio, once drive off the military, and the inhabi- tant of that department will protect and defend the plac-e. The a force sufficiently effective for that purpose. but permit the reinforcement to arrive there, and the citizen will be disarmed and you will lo e the co-operation and assi tance of that whole department. Fellow Citizens-by taking St. Antonio you will al o secure the person of Don Ramon l\fusquiz the Vice Governor, who by the con- stitution is now your Governor, he has expressed his willingn to act pl'ovided the Colonists will sustain him, but he dares not attempt it so long a St. Antonio is in pos ession of the enemy. What can yon or will ,yon do, unless you bring him into the colonies and re- e tablish the Government. At this time your Court of Justice are a½ ed, you have no head to direct you, and you are in a state of Anarchy and eonfu ion. you .can only remedy this by procuring the Vice Governor and re-establishing the Government.-Unle you do this in l s than one month every thing will be in disorder and you ,rill have no ecurity for your .per on and pr6perty, except the strength of y-0ur arms. Three fourths of the people 6f Texas are new comers and have as yet received no title to their land , the la t legislature passed a law decreeing that every per on in Te.·a honld receive their land, but before the comrni ·sioner were appointed, the Governor wa ar- rested.- In what manner are the c citizen to get titles to their lands. The intenticn and policy of tbe pr ent ruling irnthoriti s of the nation is to destroy the system of -colonizing and o oon a the military become po ses ed of Texa , that oon will the la t league of land have been giYen to , Torth American , instead of receiving the title they will be declared foreigners & driven from the oountry; there is but one posaible way of avoiclinR this rcsnlt and and f sic] that i b.v taking St. Antonio, bringing the Vice overnor to his place in order that eommis~ioner may be appointed to put the people in p c ·ion of their lands. Citizens of Texa ·, you who have not yet received your title' mnst be np and doing-the tnkin of , t. Antonio is impodant to you in- M-much a!I no Governor can be had Ulltil it i. taken, and until ~ou

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