1835 June 9, W. B. TR VI TO H. 1lITII
San F<>lipe, June 9th 1835
Hon.· Henry Smith
Dear ir- I have not time to write yon fully, but as the mail ha jnst come in I feel, that I would be neglecting you not to give you an epitome of the news- Au tin lrns been rel<>a ed under the general amnest:v Law, and writes that he was to leave f fexieo on the 25th 1ifay for Texas- The general Cong-re. has declared, that by the will of the nation, that bcdy ha a right to alter and reform the on titution &.'"C, &c- The State Congrc has passed a decree, agreeably to your ugges- tion, for the appointment by Govt of three Commissioner for Tcxa , to decide on all disputed land title &c. A decree, re toring- the npper rolony to Austin and \Villinms, with a clan e, respecting the right of the e \\·ho legally acquired land under Robertson &c, &c. A decree, for the appointment of an additional commi ioner to put the loo e families in the Department of racogdoche in posses ion of their lands '&c- . A decree relative to E tray -.providing a. hort method of having ani- mal apprai ed by two persons appointed by the Alcalde. and sold in three month if not proven away before &c, &c. A decree, declaring that in future, Empresarios hall receive no fees whatever from Settlers, not introduced at their expences &c- A decree, authorizing Jose !aria Ca1·vajal to publi hall the decrel'S of the tate Congress ince the adoption of the Con titution. in Engli h · and Spani h, and to have the exclusive privilege of sellinr, them. for six years at $2.50 per vol of 200 nages Thi. Dige t when pnbli bed will be authentic and will have the same force a surh work do in the N. tatcs- Thi will not prevent our friends from publishin" their work, which I, hope they will issue as soon as po ible◄ Tell Waller to c:ime up and I \Yill help him, for a week- They attempted to remove·the tate govt to Bexar, but failed- and the govr. and other officer have returned to 1fonclova- William, ,Johnson and Peebl arc detained in an Antonio by order of the Commandt. Genl. on a -charge of promoting a Revolution, in the tatc- But no fear are entertained bnt that they will be relea eu- oon. Please submit to the Editor a Sketch of the fore_going laws in your handwriting- and let him pnblish it as it will do11b(t]les. be interesting to the pnblic in Gen ral- :'lfy frien<l, <lo write me, all the new. in your section- and give me your Yiews of our pre ent ituation &c- Let n wait with patience, the issue of things- the time will come when we shall be called upon to act. '1'cll my fricmJ ,J. A Wharton, thnt I rrcd. hi. ktter, but haYc thongh rt] it prudent not to tnke the ronfc . ion of ,Jndgt. from Huff
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