The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




reflect for themselves and to preseind from deprecating erroneously against this frontier, without evidence or foundation, and not to slander us, and much less to threaten us, with seYere punishment , but to follow, with those to w110m in the 4th.•Tumber of our paper· we recommended the Missions of our Iotto,1 adding then that '' Alieno in loco, ha11d Jl abile Regnim~ est" Whatever the causes might have heen, that induced the _upreme GoYernment to pnt the said vessel of "'.ar in Commission upon the Coast, does not behoove to us to investigate for the present, becau e we consider the measure of high policy, is neverthele. s praiseworthy, because by its means the unfortunate remainder of our worthy navy is employed, of this Strong arm of our national Independence, which ha fought with valor and enthusiasm for our libertie in 182 .- let the Castles of l\Iorro and Cabanas of Havana speak for it.- which we de- sire to be patronized in preference to the formidable Army now or- ganizing in every part of our Country, and shut into Cantonment in various directions, according to the tenor of said Editorial, which measure in our opinion is unnecessary in a Republic, if we are to have one "de facto, et de jm·e" because we have no in1ernal enemies to combat, but are not without external ones, ao-ainst whose invasion we require a Navy and when the time shall have arrived to oppose resi t- ance to Slavery, and in the hour of danger of losing our liberties by an interior tyrant,'· there will not be a dexican, freeman who will not fly to arms; therefore a formidable standing- army in a Republic is unnecessary, and the Military Calender by which the divers Corps of the army of the 1\Iexican Nation are designated and distinguish 'd is improper for the age we live in;- There are Batallions of Ximines, of Hidalgo, of Aldama, of Abersolo, of Uatamoros &c; and Regiment of Vera Cruz, of Tampico, of J alapa, there might likewise be, and perhaps there will be in time Batallions of Tamaulipas, or Texas, of &w Leon, &c: similar to [those] of Castille, of Navarra, of Leon (Old) of Zaragosa, and finally of the Crown, of the Queen, of St Charles, of St Peter the Apostol, and of t Anthony the Abbott or of armc1, of St Francis, and of t Fer<linand.- Thi ~lode of Clasifying the army, is similar to the rage of changing the name of the Citie , towns an'd villages of a Country, thus destroying its Geo!?Taphy, and Carrying into perpetual oblivion all that i beautiful, heroic, and worthy of remembrance in the history of the Revolutions of a Country which by great efforts and acrifice ha emerged from a tate ~f Slavery, an<l the very names of the Corp and places which by their hercic actions have di tingui l1ed them clve are lo t.- In our humble opinion there is no more appropriate mode of designating the divers '·"Concordia res parvae crescunt - Dlscordla maxlmae dllabuntur." [ 'ote In document]. 'Santa Anna, at that time usurping the power, In defiance or the Laws and the Constitution, and organizing the army. to disarm the militia or tho Country, oreoaratory to the centralizing the Government. [ 'ote In document). The Sovereignty over remote Regions, . is precariou . (Trans. by the Editor.)


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