The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



defending the People of the Eastern Internal States of Mexico. (Tamaulipas, uevo Leon, Coahuila and Texas) against the charge of Smuggling. ' .............................. .. ......... .''Where is then this Scandalo1ts contraband trade, which is carried on with impunity in the ·ortheni Ports, which has caused these energetic measures on the part of the supreme Government, with which the Editors of the Telegraph 1 are traducing the good name of the inhabitants of the eastern internal States, saying: "that there are Mexicans who are · aftording the,n 2 • assistance and cooperation," and menacing us with trong measures, and severe publishments 7__;, 'What Kind of pun- ishment haYe the Gentlemen of the Telegraph decreed for us, and whfob they expect very shortly, founding their hopes in the wisdom of the next Congres 1-& Will it perhaps be the closing of the orthern Por•s,3· a sit was projected by the memorable Chabinet .of 1831, in order to do away with this measure all the lawful trade, to prevent the clandestine, and to cause the people of _the Eastern internal States, those of Durango, Chihuagua, a part of the Western States and the territory of. Kew Mexfoo to retrograde to the degrading -coloniaJ sistem of the :Monarch of both Spains and the Indies, and to give to Vera Cruz and Acapulco the ascendency of priviledged Ports, with the exclusive monopoly of the transmarine trade, permitting them the annual introduction of the fleet of their ves els; and drawing a for- midable wall, like unto the Chinese, upon this frontier between us and the neighborin"' nation 1- God forbid, that thus should happen, because the people of the e States has already enjoyed for a consid- erable time the benefits of a free trade derived from a federal system of Government by their Ports being declared Ports of Entry for foreign trade, to remain cold spectators of such unwarranted attempt, which would reduce them to a state of vas<:alage from that of Freemen with equal rights in the Eye of the Law.- and could it be -called Equallity, that of being compelled to supply their wants with goods, wares and Uerchandize imported ex~lusively by those two privileged Ports, when nature herself has destined for the transmarine trade, the Rivers, Bays, Inlet , and Harbors, of the vastly extended coast from Panuco to the Sabine, for the better advantage to the people of the Coaliated Northern tates, of our Confederation, thus affording them through abundance, cheapness.-& Could there be a greater ab- surdity than that of presuming, that a Sea Port is to be closed with a Sheet of Paper 1 • 1 as it was contemplated to be done by the 11th. article of the .Odious Law of 6th. April 1830, relative foreigners emigrating to Texas,- what good has that Law produced, and what were its con- sequences Y- \Ve have seen them already,- an appeal for grievances again t the Government, by armed forces, and can we expect anything else, from an attempt to reduce us to a Colonial state, as we have already described 1 Therefore we would advi e our contemporaries of the Telegraph to 'The Mexican Ministerial Paper.___.Foreigners and Texians.-•Tamplco, Matamoros, and the Ports of Texas.-[Notes in document). 'A Hand Bill, in which form the Laws or Mexico are published, and fli:ed up on the corners of the Streets of the City. [Note in document).

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