The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Will you, as honest men, sustain your constitution; or will you yield yourselve an easy prey to anarchy and military mi rule? "Whatever decision you may think proper to make on this subject, I yield with humble submission. Now fellow citizens, with a full consciou ne 0£ having faithfully di charged my duty, however unprepared I lament to be in other respect , to appear before my God, on the purity of my motives, and official conduct, I invoke the sternest of his censure, without the slightest apprehension of his displea ure. , itb a sincere hope that all party strife and animosities may cea e: that all tattling disturbers of the quiet and Tepose of private families, and public peace be discountenanced and disgraced-that the citi- zens of our adopted country, be united and harmonize as a band of brothers; and by a strict adhesion to their interests, and duty, shew themselves worthy to be trusted, by that government under whose auspices and gnaranties they look for security and protection. And that TEXAS, through the interposition of the general government, may yet be able to take her rank, and placed in a situation to de- velope her resources-that she may be marshalled as one of the con- stellations, and s11ine forth as once did the conducting star in the east, and ultimately become the boast, the pride, the l10nor and the glory of the 1\fEX'.ICAN REP BLIC, is the sincere and devout prayer of your POLITICAL CHIEF. HENRY SiIITH. No. 190 1834 Dec. 8, W. H. WHARTO TO [F. C.] GRAY, [BRAZORIA]3° :MR. GRAY, I am truly surprized to find on the perusal of your last paper, that my card 31 of 1 ov. the 9th. is not contained in it. It was sent to you for publication in your paper, and some misunderstanding ha doubt- less prevented its appearance. J hope, and request that it hall be published in your next. A bare denial is all that J can make at pres- ent, and J earnestly desired that that denial should baYe been simul- taneous and co-extensive with the circulation of the charge against. me. Yours &c. William II. Wharton. Eagle Island, Dec. 8, 1834. I To. 191 1834 Dec. 11, [G. FISHER, l\IATl,~IOROS, l\lE.rICO]. E.rTRACT OF A EDITORI Ii DEFE, 1 DL 'G THE PEOPT;R OI• THE EASTERN I 1 'rERNAL STATES OF dEXIC0 52 No. 2 Extract of the Editorial article of the 11th. December 1834, in- serted in o. 4. of the "l\Iercurio de iiatamoro ," page 26 & 27, ..Printed. In no. 192. nNo. 187. "'English translation. In no. 16G4.

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