The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 184 1834 Sept. 2, OLIVER ,JONES, 110:--l'CLOVA. f COAHUILA, :\IEX- ICO] TO [HE?\RY S)IITIH BRAZORLU TEXAS]2 3 No. 185


1834 Oct. 15,

Congratulations upon his appointment in the l\Intamoros Custom Honse; the lessons of his own late experienees; representations in his favor; prospects of release; thanks for Fisher's interest and aid; approval of Fisher; the political situation and prospects. Copy. 3 p. Appendix no. 5 in no. 1664. No. 186 1834 bet. 20, H. S)lITH. "SECURITY FOR TEXAS"· SECURITY :POR TEXAS. (OFFICIAL) CHIEFTAINCY ) OF THE DEPART)IENT) To the consideration of the Ayunta- OF BRAZOS. mientos of this department, & to the citizens of Texas generally, the following remarks are respeC'tfnlly submitted. Feeling it a duty incumbent on me, not only as the Political Chief of this Department, but as a citizen, in common with others, to warn my fellow citizens of impending dangers when I see their approach; and at the same time to recummeml the ndoption of such measures of public security, as to me. may seem the best calculated to avert those evils, and promote the general good. I consid~r this not only to be a privilege, but a duty incumbent on all who feel a lively interest in the promotion of the public weal, to freely discuss public men and measures, particularly when those privileges are guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the land. That :i. crisis has ·now arrived in the political affairs of Texas, which is not only calculated to arouse from lethargy the most torpid & unergetic citizen in it; but to particularly call forth the energies of the high minded public spirited citizens to interpose fot·thwith, and save this fair portion of the state froni anarchy and confusion; which must inevitably result in her final min. The fo1Iowing letter from our Representative in the state- eon~rei,i,, togeth<>r with other data to the same effect, will at once shew the necessity for energetic measures on the part of i\IONCLOV A, September 2, 1834. Dear Sir:-The political affairs of this section of the country are •Printed In no. 186, Q. V. "To be printed In the Austin Papers.

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