The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF ~ITR.\BEAU BUONAP,\R'l'E LAMAR 169 only ones wbo today beg .support for the Church.-Ferdinand the Seventh and Don Miguel of Portugal did the same thing when they guillotined their fellow-citizens.-Are you, perchance, a representa- tive of the Pope, or do you hold a commission from Heaven, Not at all.-You arc head of a new-born republic which is called to fill a distinguished place in the world, which place is reached J,y a road entirely opposed to the one which you have lately taken. Don .Pedro, in his discourse at the opening of the Cortes of Portugal, gives an account of having suppressed all the religious communities of both sexes, because; ''under the religious aspect, these establishments have turned away completely from the early spirit of their institutions, allowing themselves to rule ali:riost exclusively because of their love of the temporal and material interests which they had avowed to re- ject; under the political aspect, it should be considered how groups of individuals who had abjured all national spirit indifferent to the good or bad fortune of their "fellow-citizens, are always quick to serve with any despotic or tyrannical government in the hope that they will receive favor . or consideration from them.-O:r;i. the other hand, its influence on the families and individuals is so much more religious that it is exercised in secret, and to it should be ·attributed in large part, the evils which have lately desolated Portugal." I repeat, while Don Pedro thunders from the throne in this manner, in the name of philosophy, you, Repuhliean Chief, are callr,l the Protector of Monarchism and Superstition1-Long live Gcd ! verily this is an insult to the public reasoning of the :Mexicans and to the national conscience. I conclude this letter, already long enough, by stating that I of- ficially transmit the resignation of my charge, not as 1\1r. Basadre, for shameful failure, but as an. honorable citizen, who cannot de- ceive any one, much less his constituents. I repeat, I am your true and bumble servant, Lorenzo de Zavala. Copy- Paris, August 30, 1834.. Raquin 1\Ioreno- Published in "La Opcsicion" No. 12 "Mexico'\ inserted in the "Mercurio de Matamoros", No. 9--January 1, 1835. Geo. Fisher Editor of the Mercurio de 1\Iatamoros.

No. 183


"Kote directed by the citizen Lorenzo de Zavala from Paris to the 1\linister of Relations, and a Letter which he addresses to the Citizen President of the Republic Antonio Lopes de Santa Anna in regard to the Plan of Cuernavaca. Paris, August 10, 1834. Inserted in the 'l\Iercurio de 1\fatamoros' No. 9, Jan. 1, 1835." Copy by George Fisher. 8 p. · Spanish; see nos. 181 and 182.

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