The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPBRS OF 163 the proper exigency arises, resist them in any manner the sovereign power of the State may order and direct. lrnABE.\U BUONAPARTE LAMAR Resolved, That we con ider the Force Bill as a glaring infraction of State Rights, and a gross outrage upon the liberties of the people; that its continuance upon the statute book i such an act of usurpa- tion a ought not to be ubmitted to by free and independent states; and that we will use our exertions to counteract the principles of the proclamation, and to obtain a repeal of said bill." TO. 172

[1833 Nov. 21?], ME 'ICO. CO1TGRESS

Decree, abrogating article 11 of tlie decree of Apr. 6, 1830, and au- thorizing expenditures by the Government for colonization. Printed. 1 p. In no. 175, Q. V. Io. 173 1833 Nov. 21, ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SA1 TA AN A, l\fEXICO, [MEXICO]

Decree upon colonization policy. Printed. 1 p. In no. 175, Q. V. No. 174

1833 Nov. 21, [CARLOS] GARCIA, l\illXICO, [ 1EXICO]

Decree upon colonization policy. PriJ1ted. 1 p. In no. 175, Q. V.

1833 Nov. 25, J. I. TORNEL, MEXICO, [ME.. ICO]. BANDO PON THE REPEAL OF ARTICLE 11 OF THE DECREE OF APR. 6, 1830, A D UPO COLO IZATIO POLICY; PUBLISHING A DECREE OF THE :in ISTRY OF RELATIONS OF NOV. 21, COl\lliIUNICATING A PRESIDENTIAL DECREE OF JOV. 21, PUBLISHING A CO TGRESSIONAL DECREE 17 THE CITIZE r JOSE MARIA TOR IBL, Governor Of The Federal District. The following decree has been communicated to me through the l\Ilinistry of Relations. "llis Excellency the President of the United 1i{exican States has -een fit to send me the following decree. 'The President of the United Mexican States to the inhabitants of 11 Broadside.

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