The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




the advice therein regarding local organization under the law of 1824; the reform pirit of Congress. Copy. 2 p. No. 171 1833 Nov. 13, STATES RIGHTS l\'IEETI JG; PREAnIBLE Ai RESOLUTIO JS 10 Preamble and Resolutions of the State Rights Mee'ting, in Milledge- ville, Nov. 13, 1833. "The relations between the Federal and State Government have assumed a peculiar and intense interest, by reason of the events wllich terminated the deliberation of the la t Oongres . The long and angry conte ts which agitated the whole South, and had pro- duced just complaints against the General Government, were brought to a close with it J,ast session; but they were succeeded (and doubt- less for the special purpose of subserving, at some future period, the very principles they were compelled to abandon,) by the enact- ment of a law equally object.ionable, and certainly more dangerous to the liberties of the people, than their former oppressions; and which, if permitted to endure, will ultimately perpetuate the usurpa- tions which were profeEsed to be renounced. It is not difficult to perceive, that allusion· is here made to the Proclamation of the President of the U. States, and the Force Bill, which was its legiti- mate con equence. The first document instantly revived the doc- trines of the Federalists of '98, which had been'put down by - r. Jefferson, at the head of the Republicans; and now parties are form- ing every where and particularly in our own State, for the avowed purpose of supporting the principle of the Proclamation and Force Bill, thereby insidiou ly restoring to the Federal party, the power which they lost under the elder Adam . To this end, they have changed their name to one which is de igned to play upon popular feeling; and by the force of prejudice alone, they are aiming to re- esta bli h principles, which the good sense of the people ab olutely rejected in 1801, as tending to the destruction of the Union, and rearing upon its ruins a consolidated government. These facts have justly alarmed the friends of liberty in every quarter; and those Republican who still adhere to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, the great moral instruments by which l\Ir. Jefferson effected the overthrow of the Feder.a-list , are rallying to the defence of th.e Constitution of the United States, from North to South, by counter associations designed to re-organize the old Republican pal'ty, and to check, immediately, the grokth of the doctrines of the Proclamation, which mu t inevitably lead to con olidation if not succe sfully resi ted. The object of the present meeting i , first to con. titute and form one of those Associations, for the expre s purpose of counteracting the designs of the Federal party lately re- organized in his State, who under false colors are inculcating lhe doctrines of John Adams in '98, and those of Daniel W'ebste1· at '"Printed. In 178. 11-Llbrary,

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