The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




hi tory of my life, that which meets their approbation, and entitles me to a hare of their eonfldenee and good feelings. I know that they will not be wanting in the necessity firmne and independence to manifest it. If I have been "Steadfast and constant to my country's cause, "Unmoved alike by censure or applause--" If my general politics have been eonsi tent with the letter and pirit of the Constitution, and my local polities uniformly in accordance with the rights of the State and the policy of the party with whom I act-if I have been zealous in defence of what I hold to be truth-foe to its foe, and friend to its friend-opposing the former with a con- stancy that never tired, and supporting the latter with an ardor that never cooled-if I have mingled deeply in political conflict without reward-partaking of its toils, but not its profit -sharing its respon- sibilities, but not it honors-indeed, if I have by a course more pa- triotic than selfish, manifested a motive of action higher than the love of wealth or power; I cannot believe, I will not believe that I shall be for aken in the coming contest, by those whom I never forsook-and abandoned too, not for the want of admitted claims to confidence and favor, but because I have not the seal and certificate-the earmark and the brand of self-constituted tribunal. But whether I am elected or defeated, there can be on my part no abandonment of principle. ·whatever may be the course of others, fidelity is mine. I am the same to-day, that I was yesterday, and shall be the same to-morrow. As my conduct has never been influenced by the love of political honors, the withholding of them can neither weaken my attachment to correct principles nor diminish my efforts in their defence. MIRABEAU B. LA 1AR. ro. 169 1836 July 15. W[ILLIA:Ml BARRET TRAVIS, r AN FELIPE DE] AUS1'I~. fTR.r ASl TO 0. IT. ALLEN BRAZORIA, [TEXAS] -The Deerow ease; the point of law involved; the opposing counsel; '' war & rumor of war in the Interior''; his own letter to D. \V. Anthony. A. L. S. 2 p. No. 170 1833 Oct. 16, S[TJ<JPIJEN] FfULLERJ AU 'fIN', .:\IE. "ICO, [~mxrco1 TO THB AYU:\'TA)IIR~'CO, I AN' FELIPE DE] A STIN', [TEX.AS) 16 Tho cholera; the revolution ended by Arista' smreuder, [Oct.) 7; the status of the "stnte qne. tion" and the law of Apr. G, 1 30, before Congr ss; the atlitude of ifcxia and Zarnla on the tatc question; inclosing his letter of [Oct.] 2 to the Ayuntamiento and reiterating "'To be prloled In the Austlo Papers.

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