The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



readiness in case you should be called on which reason has in- fluenced me to favor you with all the information I have on the sub- ject- I remain your friend and obt Servt R l\I Williamson PS You shall have information of what we do here, Should Austin happen to neglect you. We must raise[ 1] that fellow off the land if be dont come to. Willie f Addressed] [Endorsed] To Wm. T .Austin G. B. McKinstry R. :M. Williamson Sayre and Nixen all of San Felipe 2 August 1832. Brazoria No. 161


TO [D.

Sending for publication on account of a public dinner at Judge Cummins's, [Aug. 21.] A. L. S. 4 p. · Including appended account.

No. 162 1832 A11g. 22, ACCOUNT OF A PUBLIC Dil\TNER

At a public dinner of the citizens of Matagorda, given yesterclay at· Judge Cummins's, in celebration of the victory of the Iish bayou boys at Nicogdoches; of which, all were indiscriminately invited to partake; the ·following toasts, previously prepared for the occasion, were drank, amidst the cheers and huzzas of the company.. l\latagorda Attgust 22d 1832} 1. The republic of l\lexfoo-Tho' not first, may she be the last, in the constellation of republics, iri the new world. 2. The United States of the N'orth--''The land of the free, and the home of the brave. Texas--A<lmission'into the Union as a State-May Con- gress patiently hear, and magnanimously decide her claims-- its secret enemie.c;--nervcle~s be the arm, and withered the tongue, thnt would defeat, or delay the e'l:ent.- 4. The future constiution of the ne-iv siafe--A division of the executive, legislative & judicial powers; interpretation of the law by the judiciary, and its .supremacy over the military; freedom of the press-trial by jury---<md privilege of the Writ of JIABEJlS OOUPUS.----- 3. Coahuila--The co-tennnt, nnd ro-partner of Tcxas---Mny the clissolution and divii::ion be friendly, and alike honorable to both; that they may tpe more rffectivcly 1•e.,11nile, in tl1c common, and more important counsels of the Federation.------- . Our Country--If there be a portion, where the institulio11s have ma<lc the men--therc is another portion, where the men

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