The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



the citizens of this Juri diction will remain at their homes in quiet· n attending to their domestic matters, always ready to use their influence, and give assistance to restore peace, and enforce a comply- ance with the laws against any who may offend No. 160 1832 A.u,g. 2, R. l\f. WILLIAl\'l 01 r TO THE CITIZErJS OF BRAZORIA A.t~D VJCD ITY

• an Felipe De Austin August 2nd. 1832 To the Citizens of Brazoria and Vicinity

It will be seen by reference to the inclosed documents, that; yo 1, who have ever been attentive, to the cries of the weak and oppr.cssed; ure again summoned to the Scenes of difficulty, which at present surround your Fellow Citizens of the Districts of Nacogdoches and Aysh, who have espousd the cau e of civil liberty as guaranted to them by the constitution and Laws of our adopted ccuntry ince the return of Col Piedra to acogdoches his every movement seems to have been characteristic of mortification at, and revenge towai·ds the inhabitants of Austins Colony and Liberty who he says compelled him to treat with them on their own terms near Anahuac. He has consequently ever since, been Studiously occupied in convert- ing over, and making allies, of the different tribes of Indians evi- dently with the view of making a fatal and final blow at the people of that Section of Texas. His language is ''let every Son of God that is capable of hearing arms and who will array himself in our line.s be equipped'': Thu inviting and receiving under his banners the blood thirsty savage whose mode of warfare knows no distinc- tion in age or Sex and whose alone commensurate with their prospects of plundering their mangled and butchered enimies. To check this monster then Brazorians, in his contemplated inh1,man (Clt'eer i I consider the next interprise before you; and shall ingulge the pleasing hope that on this·, as on all other occasions a goodly number of you will be found at your posts; ready to share wit7v the friends of Santa Ana the honor· and glory of routing this 1mholy alliance of deiuded Mexicans and rnercile s Indians- I am your friend- Williamson Col Austin left San fe_lipe on Tuesday last for Anahuac without any knowledge of the Situation of affairs at Nacogdoches. The informa- tion inclosed came to hand this morning by expre s, only three days from Nacogdoches and copies have been made out and despatched to him wherever he ma.y be found- A company will be immediately organized in this place holding themselves in readiness to march in a few hours warning, after hearing from Austin who it is Supposed can inform us, whether Col l\Iejia will need our Services or not or whether we can arrive in time to act in concert with him or not- Austin is instructed to send an express to you to inform you what may he wanting at the same time he de patches one for this place You w.ill all therefore See the propriety of holding yourselves in 10-Llbrary.

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