No. 159 [1832 July 11, STATE":\IENT OF MOTIVES DIPELLI~G 'l'HE CITIZENS TO TAKE UP AR':'11S AGAIKST THE l\IILI- TARY AUTHORITIES AT A.J'JAHUAC, [VICTORIA] The cause of the Citizens of this Jurisdiction taking arms and pro- ceeding to Anahuac, originated from communications stating that the commandante of that post, had illegally imprisoned citizens of that and 011e of this Jurisdiction to sattisfy private differences existing between said individuals and the said Commandante, that they were kept in close confinement, not permitted to be visited by their partic- ular friends and relatives, that also declarations ""ere taken against them without their being present to hear and refute, such charge,; as were untrue, that the charges against them had never been commun- icated, they had been confined several weeks and the vublic were totally unacquainted with the nature of the offence which were al- ledged against said prisoners, also that the Commandaute had de- clared that he should send those persons to l\fatamoros, where they would be deprived of the means of making a defence to the charges which might be prefered, that security had been offered for their ap- pearance before any legal tribunal· when called for, which was re- fused, that Col. Bradburn the commander of Anahuac had private differences with those persons and had taken this method to obtain sattisfaetion. The citizens from this section proceeded to that place to render assistance to the Constitutional Alcalde, ,in executing the la,,·s of the General and State Government, they never intended· to interfere with any legal authority in opposing the punishment of in- dividuals \\'ho had been guilty of crimes, or outrages against the peace, good order, and· laws, but are and always have been ready to take up arms in defence of the laws and Constitution of their adopted Country, they have seen with regret, the misunderstandings and dif- ficulties at the Post of Anahuac and believe the causes are principally oweing to the management of the commander at that place, as at other military posts in this Section there appears to be the utmost harmony prevailing; we solicit an investigation of the charges of the incli,·iduals, now in confinement at Anahuac that in case they may 14 be found Guilty of misdemeanors they may be punished according to the nature of their offences, that there has been many misrepr<>sentations as to their guilt we have no doubt, and an impartial trial will shew the result and will render complete sattisfaction and restore full tran- qility among the citizens of the whole Colonies, that to ask of the Gov- rrnmcnt to redress whatcYer grirvrnccs \\'t• may sufl'rr might to ha\'l• been adopted previous to takin~ np arms none will cleny, but a few persons without full rcficction of the case, supposing the persons in prison were about to he pnuishcd contrary to law proceeded with arms to prevent it if possihle, the same> per,;on,; wonlc) in a moment take arms in defence of any ofliccr executing the laws of our country and having full confidence that on a fair rcprc;;cntntion of facts, that Justice will be rendered to C\'Cry citizen, we give nssurean[c]cs that "Should ls written In pencil above the word mav In the orlglno.l.
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