The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



istered by the.present dynasty-The repeated violations of the consti- tution-the total disregard of the law-the entire prostration of the civil authority; and the substitution in the stead of a military despot- ism, are greivances of such a character, as to arouse the feelings of every freeman, and impel him to resistance-- RESOLVIED That we view with feelings of the deepest interest and solicitude, the firm and manly resistance, which is made by the highly talented and distinguished Cheiftain-General Santa Anna, to the numberless Incroachments and infractions, which have been made by the present administration, upon the constitution and law -of our adopted and beloved country. RESOLVED That as freemen devoted to a correct interpretation, and enforcement of the Constitution, and laws, according to their true Spirit-We pledge our lives and fortunes in support of the same, and of the distinguished leader, who is now so gallantly fighting in defence of Civil liberty. ·- RESOLVED That the people of Texas be invited to· cooperate with u , in support of the principles incorporated in The foregoing

resolutions.- - 13th June 1832

Signed the following Com- mittee in be- haJ.£ of the l\Ieet- ing.

Wyly :Martin John Austin L Lesassier Wm. H Jack Hu!!h B. Johnston F. W Johnson Robt M Williamson

ro. 158

1~32 July 23, J. A. MEXIA TO J. AUSTIN On account of the loss of the Brigantine, Genl. Santa Anna, I find myself under the necessity of using the schooner Brazoria to trans- port the troops under my command to Tampico whither I am going. In consequence thereof, be pleased to see that the other schooner is placed at the disposal of Commodore Guillermo Cochran, making an inventory of: the goods and provisions which are found aboard her, so that you may be accurately paid by the Tampico Customs House ac- cording to the value of the freight of said boat; all of which you will arrange according as it is ordered by His Excellency, the General-in- Chief, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to whom I immediately give account. God and Liberty. Brazoria, July 23, 1832.

Jose Antonio :Mexia [rubric]

?ifr. John Austin, Mayor.

[Addressed] Mr. John Austin,

Mayor of this Town From Colonel Mexia.

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