The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



0. 157 1832 July 18, ADDRESS SE"l'TI 1 G FORTH GRIEVANCES TO COL. J. A. 11illXIA, [BRAZORIA] Prisented and read to the meeting by L Lesassier Col Jose Antonio l\fexia Sir Having understood, that the causes which impelled us to take up arms, have been misrepresented, or misunderstood, we therefore make you the following representation. The Colonists of Texas have long since been convinced, of the Arbi- trary, and unconstitutional measures, of the Administration of Busta- mente, as evidenced. first By 1'heir repeated violations of the ·constitution, and laws, and their total disregard of the Civil and Political rights of the people. 2 By their fixing and establishing among us, in time of peace, mili- tary posts, the officers of which totally disregarding the local civil authorities of the state, and by committing various acts, which evinced, hostility to the true interests of the people in the enjoyment of civil liberty. · 3 By the arrest of Juan Francisco Madero, the commissioner on the part of the state Government to put the inhabitants east of the River Trinity, in possession of their lands in conformity with the laws of Colonization. 4 By the interposition of a. military force, preventing the Alcalde of the Jurisdiction of Liberty from the exercise of his constitutional functions.- 5 By appointing to the revenue department of Galvezton, a man whose character for infamy 11ad been clearly established. and made known to the Government and . whose principles were avowedly inimical to the true interests of the people of Texas. 6 By the :Military Commandant of Anahuac, advising and procuring servants to quit the Service of their fasters-offering them protec- tion, causinu them to labour for his individual benefit by force, and refusing to Compensate Master or Servant. 7 By the imprisonment of our citizens without lawfull cause and claiming the right of trying Said citizens, by a military court, for offences of a Character alone Co 0 uizable by the civil authority, and by refusing to deliver, them over to the aid authority when demanded. , Such Colonel :Mexia arc the cause which impelled us to take up our Arms, and the following declarations are the legitimate offspring of our deliberations and form the basis of all our Aets--- At a large and re pectable meeting of the Citizens residents of the J1,1risdictions of An tin Liberty held at Turtle Bayou near Anahuac The following resolutions 15 were reported by the committee appointed by the meeting and unanimously adopted RESOLVED That we view with feelings of the deepest regret, the manner in which the Gover't of the Republic of Mexico is admin- usee footnote to No. 114.

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