The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



a lookout for any thing that might happen from the , estward dur- ing our absence In Great haste Gentlemen yr ob st Henry Smith

for the Comee.

of Vigilance



[essrs. IcKinstry and Austin Brazoria

Henry Smith

Jo. 155

1832 July 12, OFFICIAL RETUR1 OF EFFECTS LEFT I FORT VELASCO Official Return of Effects left in Fort Velasco, l\Io. Brasos River, July 12, 1832 Armament I Brass long nine Pounder (mounted on carria"'e) 1 Small Iron wive} do on Block a Small Quantity cartridges Grape Shot and Balls for ea 1 Broken Rifle-' I Lott old Bayonets and Scabbards. I do Cartruch Boxe Provisions 1A Bbl Vinegar, ½ Bbl Whiskey, I Bbl Mackerel % " Pilot Bread, 1½ Bbls. Flour, 1 mall lott Coffee ½ " Su.,.ar, 5 Ham , ½ Bag Com l\feal, 1 Cheese Miscellaneous 1 Whip Saw. 1 + [cross] Cut do, GWheel Barrow 5 Shovels, 4 Rees, 1 Crow Bar, I Lott old Sails and Rope 3 Axes, a number Beef Hides, a quantity old Iron, all of which are delivered to S. Uay.-- Fort Velasco A. W. Breedlove July 12, 1832 [Endorsed] Return of Articles etc. at Fort Velasco July 12. 1832 1 0. 156 f1832 Jitly 17, WILLIA:l\f H. WHARTON, BRAZORIA, TEXA 14 Address of welcome to Jo e Antonio Mexia and Stephen F. Austin, delivered in behalf of a committee from the precinct of Victoria; set- ting forth the motives of the colonists in declaring for Santa Anna and the Con titution. Df. 1 p. uPrlnted in Holley, Mrs. M. A., Texas (1833). 160.

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